Wave propagationΒΆ

Solve the wave equation by filtering the initial conditions with the wave kernel pygsp.filters.Wave.

$\hat{f}(0) = g_{1,0} \odot \hat{f}(0)$, $\hat{f}(5) = g_{1,5} \odot \hat{f}(0)$, $\hat{f}(10) = g_{1,10} \odot \hat{f}(0)$, $\hat{f}(20) = g_{1,20} \odot \hat{f}(0)$, $f(0)$, $f(5)$, $f(10)$, $f(20)$
from os import path

import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import pygsp as pg

n_side = 13
G = pg.graphs.Grid2d(n_side)

sources = [
    (n_side//4 * n_side) + (n_side//4),
    (n_side*3//4 * n_side) + (n_side*3//4),
x = np.zeros(G.n_vertices)
x[sources] = 5

times = [0, 5, 10, 20]

fig, axes = plt.subplots(2, len(times), figsize=(12, 5))
for i, t in enumerate(times):
    g = pg.filters.Wave(G, time=t, speed=1)
    title = r'$\hat{{f}}({0}) = g_{{1,{0}}} \odot \hat{{f}}(0)$'.format(t)
    g.plot(alpha=1, ax=axes[0, i], title=title)
    axes[0, i].set_xlabel(r'$\lambda$')
#    axes[0, i].set_ylabel(r'$g(\lambda)$')
    if i > 0:
        axes[0, i].set_ylabel('')
    y = g.filter(x)
    line, = axes[0, i].plot(G.e, G.gft(y))
    labels = [r'$\hat{{f}}({})$'.format(t), r'$g_{{1,{}}}$'.format(t)]
    axes[0, i].legend([line, axes[0, i].lines[-3]], labels, loc='lower right')
    G.plot(y, edges=False, highlight=sources, ax=axes[1, i], title=r'$f({})$'.format(t))
    axes[1, i].set_aspect('equal', 'box')
    axes[1, i].set_axis_off()


Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 0.960 seconds)

Estimated memory usage: 9 MB

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