Source code for pygsp.graphs.stochasticblockmodel

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import numpy as np
from scipy import sparse

from pygsp import utils
from . import Graph  # prevent circular import in Python < 3.5

[docs]class StochasticBlockModel(Graph): r"""Stochastic Block Model (SBM). The Stochastic Block Model graph is constructed by connecting nodes with a probability which depends on the cluster of the two nodes. One can define the clustering association of each node, denoted by vector z, but also the probability matrix M. All edge weights are equal to 1. By default, Mii > Mjk and nodes are uniformly clusterized. Parameters ---------- N : int Number of nodes (default is 1024). k : float Number of classes (default is 5). z : array_like the vector of length N containing the association between nodes and classes (default is random uniform). M : array_like the k by k matrix containing the probability of connecting nodes based on their class belonging (default using p and q). p : float or array_like the diagonal value(s) for the matrix M. If scalar they all have the same value. Otherwise expect a length k vector (default is p = 0.7). q : float or array_like the off-diagonal value(s) for the matrix M. If scalar they all have the same value. Otherwise expect a k x k matrix, diagonal will be discarded (default is q = 0.3/k). directed : bool Allow directed edges if True (default is False). self_loops : bool Allow self loops if True (default is False). connected : bool Force the graph to be connected (default is False). max_iter : int Maximum number of trials to get a connected graph (default is 10). seed : int Seed for the random number generator (for reproducible graphs). Examples -------- >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> G = graphs.StochasticBlockModel( ... 100, k=3, p=[0.4, 0.6, 0.3], q=0.02, seed=42) >>> G.set_coordinates(kind='spring', seed=42) >>> fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 2) >>> _ = axes[0].spy(G.W, markersize=0.8) >>> G.plot(ax=axes[1]) """ def __init__(self, N=1024, k=5, z=None, M=None, p=0.7, q=None, directed=False, self_loops=False, connected=False, max_iter=10, seed=None, **kwargs): rs = np.random.RandomState(seed) if z is None: z = rs.randint(0, k, N) z.sort() # Sort for nice spy plot of W, where blocks are apparent. if M is None: p = np.asarray(p) if p.size == 1: p = p * np.ones(k) if p.shape != (k,): raise ValueError('Optional parameter p is neither a scalar ' 'nor a vector of length k.') if q is None: q = 0.3 / k q = np.asarray(q) if q.size == 1: q = q * np.ones((k, k)) if q.shape != (k, k): raise ValueError('Optional parameter q is neither a scalar ' 'nor a matrix of size k x k.') M = q M.flat[::k+1] = p # edit the diagonal terms if (M < 0).any() or (M > 1).any(): raise ValueError('Probabilities should be in [0, 1].') # TODO: higher memory, lesser computation alternative. # Along the lines of np.random.uniform(size=(N, N)) < p. # Or similar to sparse.random(N, N, p, data_rvs=lambda n: np.ones(n)). for nb_iter in range(max_iter): nb_row, nb_col = 0, 0 csr_data, csr_i, csr_j = [], [], [] for _ in range(N**2): if nb_row != nb_col or self_loops: if nb_row >= nb_col or directed: if rs.uniform() < M[z[nb_row], z[nb_col]]: csr_data.append(1) csr_i.append(nb_row) csr_j.append(nb_col) if nb_row < N-1: nb_row += 1 else: nb_row = 0 nb_col += 1 W = sparse.csr_matrix((csr_data, (csr_i, csr_j)), shape=(N, N)) if not directed: W = utils.symmetrize(W, method='tril') if not connected: break else: self.W = W if self.is_connected(recompute=True): break if nb_iter == max_iter - 1: raise ValueError('The graph could not be connected after {} ' 'trials. Increase the connection probability ' 'or the number of trials.'.format(max_iter)) = {'node_com': z, 'comm_sizes': np.bincount(z), 'world_rad': np.sqrt(N)} gtype = 'StochasticBlockModel' super(StochasticBlockModel, self).__init__(gtype=gtype, W=W, **kwargs)