Source code for pygsp.graphs.randomregular

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import numpy as np
from scipy import sparse

from pygsp import utils
from . import Graph  # prevent circular import in Python < 3.5

[docs]class RandomRegular(Graph): r"""Random k-regular graph. The random regular graph has the property that every node is connected to k other nodes. That graph is simple (without loops or double edges), k-regular (each vertex is adjacent to k nodes), and undirected. Parameters ---------- N : int Number of nodes (default is 64) k : int Number of connections, or degree, of each node (default is 6) maxIter : int Maximum number of iterations (default is 10) seed : int Seed for the random number generator (for reproducible graphs). Notes ----- The *pairing model* algorithm works as follows. First create n*d *half edges*. Then repeat as long as possible: pick a pair of half edges and if it's legal (doesn't create a loop nor a double edge) add it to the graph. References ---------- See :cite:`kim2003randomregulargraphs`. This code has been adapted from matlab to python. Examples -------- >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> G = graphs.RandomRegular(N=64, k=5, seed=42) >>> G.set_coordinates(kind='spring', seed=42) >>> fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 2) >>> _ = axes[0].spy(G.W, markersize=2) >>> G.plot(ax=axes[1]) """ def __init__(self, N=64, k=6, maxIter=10, seed=None, **kwargs): self.k = k self.logger = utils.build_logger(__name__) rs = np.random.RandomState(seed) # continue until a proper graph is formed if (N * k) % 2 == 1: raise ValueError("input error: N*d must be even!") # a list of open half-edges U = np.kron(np.ones(k), np.arange(N)) # the graphs adjacency matrix A = sparse.lil_matrix(np.zeros((N, N))) edgesTested = 0 repetition = 1 while np.size(U) and repetition < maxIter: edgesTested += 1 # print(progess) if edgesTested % 5000 == 0: self.logger.debug("createRandRegGraph() progress: edges= " "{}/{}.".format(edgesTested, N*k/2)) # chose at random 2 half edges i1 = rs.randint(0, np.shape(U)[0]) i2 = rs.randint(0, np.shape(U)[0]) v1 = U[i1] v2 = U[i2] # check that there are no loops nor parallel edges if v1 == v2 or A[v1, v2] == 1: # restart process if needed if edgesTested == N*k: repetition = repetition + 1 edgesTested = 0 U = np.kron(np.ones(k), np.arange(N)) A = sparse.lil_matrix(np.zeros((N, N))) else: # add edge to graph A[v1, v2] = 1 A[v2, v1] = 1 # remove used half-edges v = sorted([i1, i2]) U = np.concatenate((U[:v[0]], U[v[0] + 1:v[1]], U[v[1] + 1:])) super(RandomRegular, self).__init__(W=A, gtype="random_regular", **kwargs) self.is_regular()
[docs] def is_regular(self): r""" Troubleshoot a given regular graph. """ warn = False msg = 'The given matrix' # check symmetry if np.abs(self.A - self.A.T).sum() > 0: warn = True msg = '{} is not symmetric,'.format(msg) # check parallel edged if self.A.max(axis=None) > 1: warn = True msg = '{} has parallel edges,'.format(msg) # check that d is d-regular if np.min(self.d) != np.max(self.d): warn = True msg = '{} is not d-regular,'.format(msg) # check that g doesn't contain any self-loop if self.A.diagonal().any(): warn = True msg = '{} has self loop.'.format(msg) if warn: self.logger.warning('{}.'.format(msg[:-1]))