Source code for pygsp.filters.meyer

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import numpy as np

from pygsp import utils
from . import Filter  # prevent circular import in Python < 3.5

_logger = utils.build_logger(__name__)

[docs]class Meyer(Filter): r"""Design a filter bank of Meyer wavelets (tight frame). Parameters ---------- G : graph Nf : int Number of filters from 0 to lmax (default = 6). scales : ndarray Vector of scales to be used (default: log scale). References ---------- Use of this kernel for SGWT proposed by Nora Leonardi and Dimitri Van De Ville in :cite:`leonardi2011wavelet`. Examples -------- Filter bank's representation in Fourier and time (ring graph) domains. >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> G = graphs.Ring(N=20) >>> G.estimate_lmax() >>> G.set_coordinates('line1D') >>> g = filters.Meyer(G) >>> s = g.localize(G.N // 2) >>> fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 2) >>> g.plot(ax=axes[0]) >>> G.plot_signal(s, ax=axes[1]) """ def __init__(self, G, Nf=6, scales=None, **kwargs): if scales is None: scales = (4./(3 * G.lmax)) * np.power(2., np.arange(Nf-2, -1, -1)) if len(scales) != Nf - 1: raise ValueError('len(scales) should be Nf-1.') g = [lambda x: kernel(scales[0] * x, 'scaling_function')] for i in range(Nf - 1): g.append(lambda x, i=i: kernel(scales[i] * x, 'wavelet')) def kernel(x, kernel_type): r""" Evaluates Meyer function and scaling function * meyer wavelet kernel: supported on [2/3,8/3] * meyer scaling function kernel: supported on [0,4/3] """ x = np.asarray(x) l1 = 2/3. l2 = 4/3. # 2*l1 l3 = 8/3. # 4*l1 def v(x): return x**4 * (35 - 84*x + 70*x**2 - 20*x**3) r1ind = (x < l1) r2ind = (x >= l1) * (x < l2) r3ind = (x >= l2) * (x < l3) # as we initialize r with zero, computed function will implicitly # be zero for all x not in one of the three regions defined above r = np.zeros(x.shape) if kernel_type == 'scaling_function': r[r1ind] = 1 r[r2ind] = np.cos((np.pi/2) * v(np.abs(x[r2ind])/l1 - 1)) elif kernel_type == 'wavelet': r[r2ind] = np.sin((np.pi/2) * v(np.abs(x[r2ind])/l1 - 1)) r[r3ind] = np.cos((np.pi/2) * v(np.abs(x[r3ind])/l2 - 1)) else: raise ValueError('Unknown kernel type {}'.format(kernel_type)) return r super(Meyer, self).__init__(G, g, **kwargs)