Source code for pygsp.graphs.torus

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import numpy as np
from scipy import sparse

from . import Graph  # prevent circular import in Python < 3.5

[docs]class Torus(Graph): r"""Sampled torus manifold. Parameters ---------- Nv : int Number of vertices along the first dimension (default is 16) Mv : int Number of vertices along the second dimension (default is Nv) References ---------- See :cite:`strang1999discrete` for more informations. Examples -------- >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> G = graphs.Torus(10) >>> fig = plt.figure() >>> ax1 = fig.add_subplot(121) >>> ax2 = fig.add_subplot(122, projection='3d') >>> _ = ax1.spy(G.W, markersize=1.5) >>> G.plot(ax=ax2) >>> _ = ax2.set_zlim(-1.5, 1.5) """ def __init__(self, Nv=16, Mv=None, **kwargs): if Mv is None: Mv = Nv # Create weighted adjancency matrix K = 2 * Nv J = 2 * Mv i_inds = np.zeros((K*Mv + J*Nv), dtype=float) j_inds = np.zeros((K*Mv + J*Nv), dtype=float) tmpK = np.arange(K, dtype=int) tmpNv1 = np.arange(Nv - 1) tmpNv = np.arange(Nv) for i in range(Mv): i_inds[i*K + tmpK] = i*Nv + \ np.concatenate((np.array([Nv - 1]), tmpNv1, tmpNv)) j_inds[i*K + tmpK] = i*Nv + \ np.concatenate((tmpNv, np.array([Nv - 1]), tmpNv1)) tmp2Nv = np.arange(2*Nv, dtype=int) for i in range(Mv - 1): i_inds[K*Mv + i*2*Nv + tmp2Nv] = \ np.concatenate((i*Nv + tmpNv, (i + 1)*Nv + tmpNv)) j_inds[K*Mv + i*2*Nv + tmp2Nv] = \ np.concatenate(((i + 1)*Nv + tmpNv, i*Nv + tmpNv)) i_inds[K*Mv + (Mv - 1)*2*Nv + tmp2Nv] = \ np.concatenate((tmpNv, (Mv - 1)*Nv + tmpNv)) j_inds[K*Mv + (Mv - 1)*2*Nv + tmp2Nv] = \ np.concatenate(((Mv - 1)*Nv + tmpNv, tmpNv)) W = sparse.csc_matrix((np.ones((K*Mv + J*Nv)), (i_inds, j_inds)), shape=(Mv*Nv, Mv*Nv)) # Create coordinate T = 1.5 + np.sin(np.arange(Mv)*2*np.pi/Mv).reshape(1, Mv) U = np.cos(np.arange(Mv)*2*np.pi/Mv).reshape(1, Mv) xtmp = np.cos(np.arange(Nv).reshape(Nv, 1)*2*np.pi/Nv)*T ytmp = np.sin(np.arange(Nv).reshape(Nv, 1)*2*np.pi/Nv)*T ztmp = np.kron(np.ones((Nv, 1)), U) coords = np.concatenate((np.reshape(xtmp, (Mv*Nv, 1), order='F'), np.reshape(ytmp, (Mv*Nv, 1), order='F'), np.reshape(ztmp, (Mv*Nv, 1), order='F')), axis=1) self.Nv = Nv self.Mv = Nv plotting = { 'vertex_size': 60, 'limits': np.array([-2.5, 2.5, -2.5, 2.5, -2.5, 2.5]) } super(Torus, self).__init__(W=W, gtype='Torus', coords=coords, plotting=plotting, **kwargs)