Source code for pygsp.graphs.nngraphs.twomoons

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import numpy as np

from pygsp import utils
from pygsp.graphs import NNGraph  # prevent circular import in Python < 3.5

[docs]class TwoMoons(NNGraph): r"""Two Moons (NN-graph). Parameters ---------- moontype : 'standard' or 'synthesized' You have the freedom to chose if you want to create a standard two_moons graph or a synthesized one (default is 'standard'). 'standard' : Create a two_moons graph from a based graph. 'synthesized' : Create a synthesized two_moon sigmag : float Variance of the distance kernel (default = 0.05) dim : int The dimensionality of the points (default = 2). Only valid for moontype == 'standard'. N : int Number of vertices (default = 2000) Only valid for moontype == 'synthesized'. sigmad : float Variance of the data (do not set it too high or you won't see anything) (default = 0.05) Only valid for moontype == 'synthesized'. d : float Distance of the two moons (default = 0.5) Only valid for moontype == 'synthesized'. seed : int Seed for the random number generator (for reproducible graphs). Examples -------- >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> G = graphs.TwoMoons() >>> fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 2) >>> _ = axes[0].spy(G.W, markersize=0.5) >>> G.plot(show_edges=True, ax=axes[1]) """ def _create_arc_moon(self, N, sigmad, d, number, seed): rs = np.random.RandomState(seed) phi = rs.rand(N, 1) * np.pi r = 1 rb = sigmad * rs.normal(size=(N, 1)) ab = rs.rand(N, 1) * 2 * np.pi b = rb * np.exp(1j * ab) bx = np.real(b) by = np.imag(b) if number == 1: moonx = np.cos(phi) * r + bx + 0.5 moony = -np.sin(phi) * r + by - (d - 1)/2. elif number == 2: moonx = np.cos(phi) * r + bx - 0.5 moony = np.sin(phi) * r + by + (d - 1)/2. return np.concatenate((moonx, moony), axis=1) def __init__(self, moontype='standard', dim=2, sigmag=0.05, N=400, sigmad=0.07, d=0.5, seed=None, **kwargs): if moontype == 'standard': gtype = 'Two Moons standard' N1, N2 = 1000, 1000 data = utils.loadmat('pointclouds/two_moons') Xin = data['features'][:dim].T elif moontype == 'synthesized': gtype = 'Two Moons synthesized' N1 = N // 2 N2 = N - N1 coords1 = self._create_arc_moon(N1, sigmad, d, 1, seed) coords2 = self._create_arc_moon(N2, sigmad, d, 2, seed) Xin = np.concatenate((coords1, coords2)) else: raise ValueError('Unknown moontype {}'.format(moontype)) self.labels = np.concatenate((np.zeros(N1), np.ones(N2))) plotting = { 'vertex_size': 30, } super(TwoMoons, self).__init__(Xin=Xin, sigma=sigmag, k=5, plotting=plotting, gtype=gtype, **kwargs)