Source code for pygsp.graphs.graph

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from collections import Counter

import numpy as np
from scipy import sparse

from pygsp import utils
from . import fourier, difference  # prevent circular import in Python < 3.5

[docs]class Graph(fourier.GraphFourier, difference.GraphDifference): r"""Base graph class. * Provide a common interface (and implementation) to graph objects. * Can be instantiated to construct custom graphs from a weight matrix. * Initialize attributes for derived classes. Parameters ---------- W : sparse matrix or ndarray The weight matrix which encodes the graph. gtype : string Graph type, a free-form string to help us recognize the kind of graph we are dealing with (default is 'unknown'). lap_type : 'combinatorial', 'normalized' The type of Laplacian to be computed by :func:`compute_laplacian` (default is 'combinatorial'). coords : ndarray Vertices coordinates (default is None). plotting : dict Plotting parameters. perform_checks : bool Whether to check if the graph is connected. Warn if not. Attributes ---------- N : int the number of nodes / vertices in the graph. Ne : int the number of edges / links in the graph, i.e. connections between nodes. W : sparse matrix or ndarray the weight matrix which contains the weights of the connections. It is represented as an N-by-N matrix of floats. :math:`W_{i,j} = 0` means that there is no direct connection from i to j. A : sparse matrix or ndarray the adjacency matrix defines which edges exist on the graph. It is represented as an N-by-N matrix of booleans. :math:`A_{i,j}` is True if :math:`W_{i,j} > 0`. d : ndarray the degree vector is a vector of length N which represents the number of edges connected to each node. gtype : string the graph type is a short description of the graph object designed to help sorting the graphs. L : sparse matrix or ndarray the graph Laplacian, an N-by-N matrix computed from W. lap_type : 'normalized', 'combinatorial' the kind of Laplacian that was computed by :func:`compute_laplacian`. coords : ndarray vertices coordinates in 2D or 3D space. Used for plotting only. Default is None. plotting : dict plotting parameters. Examples -------- >>> W = np.arange(4).reshape(2, 2) >>> G = graphs.Graph(W) """ def __init__(self, W, gtype='unknown', lap_type='combinatorial', coords=None, plotting={}, **kwargs): self.logger = utils.build_logger(__name__, **kwargs) if len(W.shape) != 2 or W.shape[0] != W.shape[1]: raise ValueError('W has incorrect shape {}'.format(W.shape)) # Don't keep edges of 0 weight. Otherwise Ne will not correspond to the # real number of edges. Problematic when e.g. plotting. W = sparse.csr_matrix(W) W.eliminate_zeros() self.N = W.shape[0] self.W = sparse.lil_matrix(W) # Don't count edges two times if undirected. # Be consistent with the size of the differential operator. if self.is_directed(): self.Ne = self.W.nnz else: self.Ne = sparse.tril(W).nnz self.check_weights() self.A = self.W > 0 self.d = np.asarray(self.A.sum(axis=1)).squeeze() assert self.d.ndim == 1 self.gtype = gtype self.compute_laplacian(lap_type) if coords is not None: self.coords = coords self.plotting = {'vertex_size': 100, 'vertex_color': (0.12, 0.47, 0.71, 1), 'edge_color': (0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1), 'edge_width': 1, 'edge_style': '-'} self.plotting.update(plotting)
[docs] def check_weights(self): r"""Check the characteristics of the weights matrix. Returns ------- A dict of bools containing informations about the matrix has_inf_val : bool True if the matrix has infinite values else false has_nan_value : bool True if the matrix has a "not a number" value else false is_not_square : bool True if the matrix is not square else false diag_is_not_zero : bool True if the matrix diagonal has not only zeros else false Examples -------- >>> W = np.arange(4).reshape(2, 2) >>> G = graphs.Graph(W) >>> cw = G.check_weights() >>> cw == {'has_inf_val': False, 'has_nan_value': False, ... 'is_not_square': False, 'diag_is_not_zero': True} True """ has_inf_val = False diag_is_not_zero = False is_not_square = False has_nan_value = False if np.isinf(self.W.sum()): self.logger.warning('There is an infinite ' 'value in the weight matrix!') has_inf_val = True if abs(self.W.diagonal()).sum() != 0: self.logger.warning('The main diagonal of ' 'the weight matrix is not 0!') diag_is_not_zero = True if self.W.get_shape()[0] != self.W.get_shape()[1]: self.logger.warning('The weight matrix is not square!') is_not_square = True if np.isnan(self.W.sum()): self.logger.warning('There is a NaN value in the weight matrix!') has_nan_value = True return {'has_inf_val': has_inf_val, 'has_nan_value': has_nan_value, 'is_not_square': is_not_square, 'diag_is_not_zero': diag_is_not_zero}
[docs] def update_graph_attr(self, *args, **kwargs): r"""Recompute some attribute of the graph. Parameters ---------- args: list of string the arguments that will be not changed and not re-compute. kwargs: Dictionnary The arguments with their new value. Returns ------- The same Graph with some updated values. Notes ----- This method is useful if you want to give a new weight matrix (W) and compute the adjacency matrix (A) and more again. The valid attributes are ['W', 'A', 'N', 'd', 'Ne', 'gtype', 'directed', 'coords', 'lap_type', 'L', 'plotting'] Examples -------- >>> G = graphs.Ring(N=10) >>> newW = G.W >>> newW[1] = 1 >>> G.update_graph_attr('N', 'd', W=newW) Updates all attributes of G except 'N' and 'd' """ graph_attr = {} valid_attributes = ['W', 'A', 'N', 'd', 'Ne', 'gtype', 'directed', 'coords', 'lap_type', 'L', 'plotting'] for i in args: if i in valid_attributes: graph_attr[i] = getattr(self, i) else: self.logger.warning(('Your attribute {} does not figure in ' 'the valid attributes, which are ' '{}').format(i, valid_attributes)) for i in kwargs: if i in valid_attributes: if i in graph_attr:'You already gave this attribute as ' 'an argument. Therefore, it will not ' 'be recomputed.') else: graph_attr[i] = kwargs[i] else: self.logger.warning(('Your attribute {} does not figure in ' 'the valid attributes, which are ' '{}').format(i, valid_attributes)) from pygsp.graphs import NNGraph if isinstance(self, NNGraph): super(NNGraph, self).__init__(**graph_attr) else: super(type(self), self).__init__(**graph_attr)
[docs] def copy_graph_attributes(self, Gn, ctype=True): r"""Copy some parameters of the graph into a given one. Parameters ----------: G : Graph structure ctype : bool Flag to select what to copy (Default is True) Gn : Graph structure The graph where the parameters will be copied Returns ------- Gn : Partial graph structure Examples -------- >>> Torus = graphs.Torus() >>> G = graphs.TwoMoons() >>> G.copy_graph_attributes(ctype=False, Gn=Torus); """ if hasattr(self, 'plotting'): Gn.plotting = self.plotting if ctype: if hasattr(self, 'coords'): Gn.coords = self.coords else: if hasattr(Gn.plotting, 'limits'): del Gn.plotting['limits'] if hasattr(self, 'lap_type'): Gn.compute_laplacian(self.lap_type)
# TODO: an existing Fourier basis should be updated
[docs] def set_coordinates(self, kind='spring', **kwargs): r"""Set node's coordinates (their position when plotting). Parameters ---------- kind : string or array-like Kind of coordinates to generate. It controls the position of the nodes when plotting the graph. Can either pass an array of size Nx2 or Nx3 to set the coordinates manually or the name of a layout algorithm. Available algorithms: community2D, random2D, random3D, ring2D, line1D, spring. Default is 'spring'. kwargs : dict Additional parameters to be passed to the Fruchterman-Reingold force-directed algorithm when kind is spring. Examples -------- >>> G = graphs.ErdosRenyi() >>> G.set_coordinates() >>> G.plot() """ if not isinstance(kind, str): coords = np.asarray(kind).squeeze() check_1d = (coords.ndim == 1) check_2d_3d = (coords.ndim == 2) and (2 <= coords.shape[1] <= 3) if coords.shape[0] != self.N or not (check_1d or check_2d_3d): raise ValueError('Expecting coordinates to be of size N, Nx2, ' 'or Nx3.') self.coords = coords elif kind == 'line1D': self.coords = np.arange(self.N) elif kind == 'line2D': x, y = np.arange(self.N), np.zeros(self.N) self.coords = np.stack([x, y], axis=1) elif kind == 'ring2D': angle = np.arange(self.N) * 2 * np.pi / self.N self.coords = np.stack([np.cos(angle), np.sin(angle)], axis=1) elif kind == 'random2D': self.coords = np.random.uniform(size=(self.N, 2)) elif kind == 'random3D': self.coords = np.random.uniform(size=(self.N, 3)) elif kind == 'spring': self.coords = self._fruchterman_reingold_layout(**kwargs) elif kind == 'community2D': if not hasattr(self, 'info') or 'node_com' not in ValueError('Missing arguments to the graph to be able to ' 'compute community coordinates.') if 'world_rad' not in['world_rad'] = np.sqrt(self.N) if 'comm_sizes' not in counts = Counter(['node_com'])['comm_sizes'] = np.array([cnt[1] for cnt in sorted(counts.items())]) Nc =['comm_sizes'].shape[0]['com_coords'] =['world_rad'] * \ np.array(list(zip( np.cos(2 * np.pi * np.arange(1, Nc + 1) / Nc), np.sin(2 * np.pi * np.arange(1, Nc + 1) / Nc)))) # Coordinates of the nodes inside their communities coords = np.random.rand(self.N, 2) self.coords = np.array([[elem[0] * np.cos(2 * np.pi * elem[1]), elem[0] * np.sin(2 * np.pi * elem[1])] for elem in coords]) for i in range(self.N): # Set coordinates as an offset from the center of the community # it belongs to comm_idx =['node_com'][i] comm_rad = np.sqrt(['comm_sizes'][comm_idx]) self.coords[i] =['com_coords'][comm_idx] + \ comm_rad * self.coords[i] else: raise ValueError('Unexpected argument king={}.'.format(kind))
[docs] def subgraph(self, ind): r"""Create a subgraph given indices. Parameters ---------- ind : list Nodes to keep Returns ------- sub_G : Graph Subgraph Examples -------- >>> W = np.arange(16).reshape(4, 4) >>> G = graphs.Graph(W) >>> ind = [1, 3] >>> sub_G = G.subgraph(ind) """ if not isinstance(ind, list) and not isinstance(ind, np.ndarray): raise TypeError('The indices must be a list or a ndarray.') # N = len(ind) # Assigned but never used sub_W = self.W.tocsr()[ind, :].tocsc()[:, ind] return Graph(sub_W, gtype="sub-{}".format(self.gtype))
[docs] def is_connected(self, recompute=False): r"""Check the strong connectivity of the graph (cached). It uses DFS travelling on graph to ensure that each node is visited. For undirected graphs, starting at any vertex and trying to access all others is enough. For directed graphs, one needs to check that a random vertex is accessible by all others and can access all others. Thus, we can transpose the adjacency matrix and compute again with the same starting point in both phases. Parameters ---------- recompute: bool Force to recompute the connectivity if already known. Returns ------- connected : bool True if the graph is connected. Examples -------- >>> from scipy import sparse >>> W = sparse.rand(10, 10, 0.2) >>> G = graphs.Graph(W=W) >>> connected = G.is_connected() """ if hasattr(self, '_connected') and not recompute: return self._connected if self.is_directed(recompute=recompute): adj_matrices = [self.A, self.A.T] else: adj_matrices = [self.A] for adj_matrix in adj_matrices: visited = np.zeros(self.A.shape[0], dtype=bool) stack = set([0]) while len(stack): v = stack.pop() if not visited[v]: visited[v] = True # Add indices of nodes not visited yet and accessible from # v stack.update(set([idx for idx in adj_matrix[v, :].nonzero()[1] if not visited[idx]])) if not visited.all(): self._connected = False return self._connected self._connected = True return self._connected
[docs] def is_directed(self, recompute=False): r"""Check if the graph has directed edges (cached). In this framework, we consider that a graph is directed if and only if its weight matrix is non symmetric. Parameters ---------- recompute : bool Force to recompute the directedness if already known. Returns ------- directed : bool True if the graph is directed. Notes ----- Can also be used to check if a matrix is symmetrical Examples -------- >>> from scipy import sparse >>> W = sparse.rand(10, 10, 0.2) >>> G = graphs.Graph(W=W) >>> directed = G.is_directed() """ if hasattr(self, '_directed') and not recompute: return self._directed self._directed = np.abs(self.W - self.W.T).sum() != 0 return self._directed
[docs] def extract_components(self): r"""Split the graph into connected components. See :func:`is_connected` for the method used to determine connectedness. Returns ------- graphs : list A list of graph structures. Each having its own node list and weight matrix. If the graph is directed, add into the info parameter the information about the source nodes and the sink nodes. Examples -------- >>> from scipy import sparse >>> W = sparse.rand(10, 10, 0.2) >>> W = utils.symmetrize(W) >>> G = graphs.Graph(W=W) >>> components = G.extract_components() >>> has_sinks = 'sink' in components[0].info >>> sinks_0 = components[0].info['sink'] if has_sinks else [] """ if self.A.shape[0] != self.A.shape[1]: self.logger.error('Inconsistent shape to extract components. ' 'Square matrix required.') return None if self.is_directed(): raise NotImplementedError('Directed graphs not supported yet.') graphs = [] visited = np.zeros(self.A.shape[0], dtype=bool) # indices = [] # Assigned but never used while not visited.all(): stack = set(np.nonzero(~visited)[0]) comp = [] while len(stack): v = stack.pop() if not visited[v]: comp.append(v) visited[v] = True # Add indices of nodes not visited yet and accessible from # v stack.update(set([idx for idx in self.A[v, :].nonzero()[1] if not visited[idx]])) comp = sorted(comp)'Constructing subgraph for component of ' 'size {}.').format(len(comp))) G = self.subgraph(comp) = {'orig_idx': comp} graphs.append(G) return graphs
[docs] def compute_laplacian(self, lap_type='combinatorial'): r"""Compute a graph Laplacian. The result is accessible by the L attribute. Parameters ---------- lap_type : 'combinatorial', 'normalized' The type of Laplacian to compute. Default is combinatorial. Notes ----- For undirected graphs, the combinatorial Laplacian is defined as .. math:: L = D - W, where :math:`W` is the weight matrix and :math:`D` the degree matrix, and the normalized Laplacian is defined as .. math:: L = I - D^{-1/2} W D^{-1/2}, where :math:`I` is the identity matrix. Examples -------- >>> G = graphs.Sensor(50) >>> G.L.shape (50, 50) >>> >>> G.compute_laplacian('combinatorial') >>> G.compute_fourier_basis() >>> -1e-10 < G.e[0] < 1e-10 # Smallest eigenvalue close to 0. True >>> >>> G.compute_laplacian('normalized') >>> G.compute_fourier_basis(recompute=True) >>> -1e-10 < G.e[0] < 1e-10 < G.e[-1] < 2 # Spectrum in [0, 2]. True """ if lap_type not in ['combinatorial', 'normalized']: raise ValueError('Unknown Laplacian type {}'.format(lap_type)) self.lap_type = lap_type if self.is_directed(): if lap_type == 'combinatorial': D1 = sparse.diags(np.ravel(self.W.sum(0)), 0) D2 = sparse.diags(np.ravel(self.W.sum(1)), 0) self.L = 0.5 * (D1 + D2 - self.W - self.W.T).tocsc() elif lap_type == 'normalized': raise NotImplementedError('Directed graphs with normalized ' 'Laplacian not supported yet.') else: if lap_type == 'combinatorial': D = sparse.diags(np.ravel(self.W.sum(1)), 0) self.L = (D - self.W).tocsc() elif lap_type == 'normalized': d = np.power(self.W.sum(1), -0.5) D = sparse.diags(np.ravel(d), 0).tocsc() self.L = sparse.identity(self.N) - D * self.W * D
@property def lmax(self): r"""Largest eigenvalue of the graph Laplacian. Can be exactly computed by :func:`compute_fourier_basis` or approximated by :func:`estimate_lmax`. """ if not hasattr(self, '_lmax'): self.logger.warning('The largest eigenvalue G.lmax is not ' 'available, we need to estimate it. ' 'Explicitly call G.estimate_lmax() or ' 'G.compute_fourier_basis() ' 'once beforehand to suppress the warning.') self.estimate_lmax() return self._lmax
[docs] def estimate_lmax(self, recompute=False): r"""Estimate the Laplacian's largest eigenvalue (cached). The result is cached and accessible by the :attr:`lmax` property. Exact value given by the eigendecomposition of the Laplacian, see :func:`compute_fourier_basis`. That estimation is much faster than the eigendecomposition. Parameters ---------- recompute : boolean Force to recompute the largest eigenvalue. Default is false. Notes ----- Runs the implicitly restarted Lanczos method with a large tolerance, then increases the calculated largest eigenvalue by 1 percent. For much of the PyGSP machinery, we need to approximate wavelet kernels on an interval that contains the spectrum of L. The only cost of using a larger interval is that the polynomial approximation over the larger interval may be a slightly worse approximation on the actual spectrum. As this is a very mild effect, it is not necessary to obtain very tight bounds on the spectrum of L. Examples -------- >>> G = graphs.Logo() >>> G.compute_fourier_basis() >>> print('{:.2f}'.format(G.lmax)) 13.78 >>> G = graphs.Logo() >>> G.estimate_lmax(recompute=True) >>> print('{:.2f}'.format(G.lmax)) 13.92 """ if hasattr(self, '_lmax') and not recompute: return try: lmax = sparse.linalg.eigsh(self.L, k=1, tol=5e-3, ncv=min(self.N, 10), return_eigenvectors=False) lmax = lmax[0] lmax *= 1.01 # Increase by 1 percent to be robust to errors. except sparse.linalg.ArpackNoConvergence: self.logger.warning('Lanczos method did not converge. ' 'Using an alternative method.') if self.lap_type == 'normalized': lmax = 2 # Spectrum is bounded by [0, 2]. elif self.lap_type == 'combinatorial': lmax = 2 * np.max(self.d) else: raise ValueError('Unknown Laplacian type ' '{}'.format(self.lap_type)) self._lmax = lmax
[docs] def get_edge_list(self): r"""Return an edge list, an alternative representation of the graph. The weighted adjacency matrix is the canonical form used in this package to represent a graph as it is the easiest to work with when considering spectral methods. Returns ------- v_in : vector of int v_out : vector of int weights : vector of float Examples -------- >>> G = graphs.Logo() >>> v_in, v_out, weights = G.get_edge_list() >>> v_in.shape, v_out.shape, weights.shape ((3131,), (3131,), (3131,)) """ if self.is_directed(): raise NotImplementedError('Directed graphs not supported yet.') else: v_in, v_out = sparse.tril(self.W).nonzero() weights = self.W[v_in, v_out] weights = weights.toarray().squeeze() # TODO G.ind_edges = sub2ind(size(G.W), G.v_in, G.v_out) assert self.Ne == v_in.size == v_out.size == weights.size return v_in, v_out, weights
[docs] def modulate(self, f, k): r"""Modulate the signal *f* to the frequency *k*. Parameters ---------- f : ndarray Signal (column) k : int Index of frequencies Returns ------- fm : ndarray Modulated signal """ nt = np.shape(f)[1] fm = np.kron(np.ones((1, nt)), self.U[:, k]) fm *= np.kron(np.ones((nt, 1)), f) fm *= np.sqrt(self.N) return fm
[docs] def plot(self, **kwargs): r"""Plot the graph. See :func:`pygsp.plotting.plot_graph`. """ from pygsp import plotting plotting.plot_graph(self, **kwargs)
[docs] def plot_signal(self, signal, **kwargs): r"""Plot a signal on that graph. See :func:`pygsp.plotting.plot_signal`. """ from pygsp import plotting plotting.plot_signal(self, signal, **kwargs)
[docs] def plot_spectrogram(self, **kwargs): r"""Plot the graph's spectrogram. See :func:`pygsp.plotting.plot_spectrogram`. """ from pygsp import plotting plotting.plot_spectrogram(self, **kwargs)
def _fruchterman_reingold_layout(self, dim=2, k=None, pos=None, fixed=[], iterations=50, scale=1.0, center=None, seed=None): # TODO doc # fixed: list of nodes with fixed coordinates # Position nodes using Fruchterman-Reingold force-directed algorithm. if center is None: center = np.zeros((1, dim)) if np.shape(center)[1] != dim: self.logger.error('Spring coordinates: center has wrong size.') center = np.zeros((1, dim)) if pos is None: dom_size = 1 pos_arr = None else: # Determine size of existing domain to adjust initial positions dom_size = np.max(pos) pos_arr = np.random.RandomState(seed).uniform(size=(self.N, dim)) pos_arr = pos_arr * dom_size + center for i in range(self.N): pos_arr[i] = np.asarray(pos[i]) if k is None and len(fixed) > 0: # We must adjust k by domain size for layouts that are not near 1x1 k = dom_size / np.sqrt(self.N) pos = _sparse_fruchterman_reingold(self.A, dim, k, pos_arr, fixed, iterations, seed) if len(fixed) == 0: pos = _rescale_layout(pos, scale=scale) + center return pos
def _sparse_fruchterman_reingold(A, dim, k, pos, fixed, iterations, seed): # Position nodes in adjacency matrix A using Fruchterman-Reingold nnodes = A.shape[0] # make sure we have a LIst of Lists representation try: A = A.tolil() except Exception: A = (sparse.coo_matrix(A)).tolil() if pos is None: # random initial positions pos = np.random.RandomState(seed).uniform(size=(nnodes, dim)) # optimal distance between nodes if k is None: k = np.sqrt(1.0 / nnodes) # simple cooling scheme. # linearly step down by dt on each iteration so last iteration is size dt. t = 0.1 dt = t / float(iterations + 1) displacement = np.zeros((dim, nnodes)) for iteration in range(iterations): displacement *= 0 # loop over rows for i in range(nnodes): if i in fixed: continue # difference between this row's node position and all others delta = (pos[i] - pos).T # distance between points distance = np.sqrt((delta**2).sum(axis=0)) # enforce minimum distance of 0.01 distance = np.where(distance < 0.01, 0.01, distance) # the adjacency matrix row Ai = np.asarray(A[i, :].toarray()) # displacement "force" displacement[:, i] += \ (delta * (k * k / distance**2 - Ai * distance / k)).sum(axis=1) # update positions length = np.sqrt((displacement**2).sum(axis=0)) length = np.where(length < 0.01, 0.1, length) pos += (displacement * t / length).T # cool temperature t -= dt return pos def _rescale_layout(pos, scale=1): # rescale to (-scale, scale) in all axes # shift origin to (0,0) lim = 0 # max coordinate for all axes for i in range(pos.shape[1]): pos[:, i] -= pos[:, i].mean() lim = max(pos[:, i].max(), lim) # rescale to (-scale,scale) in all directions, preserves aspect for i in range(pos.shape[1]): pos[:, i] *= scale / lim return pos