Source code for pygsp.graphs.erdosrenyi

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# prevent circular import in Python < 3.5
from .stochasticblockmodel import StochasticBlockModel

[docs]class ErdosRenyi(StochasticBlockModel): r"""Erdos Renyi graph. The Erdos Renyi graph is constructed by randomly connecting nodes. Each edge is included in the graph with probability p, independently from any other edge. All edge weights are equal to 1. Parameters ---------- N : int Number of nodes (default is 100). p : float Probability to connect a node with another one. directed : bool Allow directed edges if True (default is False). self_loops : bool Allow self loops if True (default is False). connected : bool Force the graph to be connected (default is False). max_iter : int Maximum number of trials to get a connected graph (default is 10). seed : int Seed for the random number generator (for reproducible graphs). Examples -------- >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> G = graphs.ErdosRenyi(N=64, seed=42) >>> G.set_coordinates(kind='spring', seed=42) >>> fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 2) >>> _ = axes[0].spy(G.W, markersize=2) >>> G.plot(ax=axes[1]) """ def __init__(self, N=100, p=0.1, directed=False, self_loops=False, connected=False, max_iter=10, seed=None, **kwargs): super(ErdosRenyi, self).__init__(N=N, k=1, p=p, directed=directed, self_loops=self_loops, connected=connected, max_iter=max_iter, seed=seed, **kwargs) self.gtype = u"Erdös Renyi"