Source code for pygsp.graphs.davidsensornet

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import numpy as np

from pygsp import utils
from . import Graph  # prevent circular import in Python < 3.5

[docs]class DavidSensorNet(Graph): r"""Sensor network. Parameters ---------- N : int Number of vertices (default = 64). Values of 64 and 500 yield pre-computed and saved graphs. Other values yield randomly generated graphs. seed : int Seed for the random number generator (for reproducible graphs). Examples -------- >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> G = graphs.DavidSensorNet() >>> fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 2) >>> _ = axes[0].spy(G.W, markersize=2) >>> G.plot(ax=axes[1]) """ def __init__(self, N=64, seed=None, **kwargs): if N == 64: data = utils.loadmat('pointclouds/david64') assert data['N'][0, 0] == N W = data['W'] coords = data['coords'] elif N == 500: data = utils.loadmat('pointclouds/david500') assert data['N'][0, 0] == N W = data['W'] coords = data['coords'] else: coords = np.random.RandomState(seed).rand(N, 2) target_dist_cutoff = -0.125 * N / 436.075 + 0.2183 T = 0.6 s = np.sqrt(-target_dist_cutoff**2/(2*np.log(T))) d = utils.distanz(coords.T) W = np.exp(-np.power(d, 2)/(2.*s**2)) W[W < T] = 0 W[np.diag_indices(N)] = 0 plotting = {"limits": [0, 1, 0, 1]} super(DavidSensorNet, self).__init__(W=W, gtype='davidsensornet', coords=coords, plotting=plotting, **kwargs)