Source code for pygsp.plotting

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

The :mod:`pygsp.plotting` module implements functionality to plot PyGSP objects
with a `pyqtgraph <>`_ or `matplotlib
<>`_ drawing backend (which can be controlled by the
:data:`BACKEND` constant or individually for each plotting call).

Most users won't use this module directly.
Graphs (from :mod:`pygsp.graphs`) are to be plotted with
:meth:`pygsp.graphs.Graph.plot` and
Filters (from :mod:`pygsp.filters`) are to be plotted with

.. data:: BACKEND

    The default drawing backend to use if none are provided to the plotting
    functions. Should be either ``'matplotlib'`` or ``'pyqtgraph'``. In general
    pyqtgraph is better for interactive exploration while matplotlib is better
    at generating figures to be included in papers or elsewhere.


from __future__ import division

import functools

import numpy as np

from pygsp import utils

_logger = utils.build_logger(__name__)

BACKEND = 'matplotlib'
_qtg_widgets = []
_plt_figures = []

def _import_plt():
        import matplotlib as mpl
        from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
        from mpl_toolkits import mplot3d
    except Exception as e:
        raise ImportError('Cannot import matplotlib. Choose another backend '
                          'or try to install it with '
                          'pip (or conda) install matplotlib. '
                          'Original exception: {}'.format(e))
    return mpl, plt, mplot3d

def _import_qtg():
        import pyqtgraph as qtg
        import pyqtgraph.opengl as gl
        from pyqtgraph.Qt import QtGui
    except Exception as e:
        raise ImportError('Cannot import pyqtgraph. Choose another backend '
                          'or try to install it with '
                          'pip (or conda) install pyqtgraph. You will also '
                          'need PyQt5 (or PySide) and PyOpenGL. '
                          'Original exception: {}'.format(e))
    return qtg, gl, QtGui

def _plt_handle_figure(plot):
    r"""Handle the common work (creating an axis if not given, setting the
    title) of all matplotlib plot commands."""

    # Preserve documentation of plot.

    def inner(obj, **kwargs):

        # Create a figure and an axis if none were passed.
        if kwargs['ax'] is None:
            _, plt, _ = _import_plt()
            fig = plt.figure()
            global _plt_figures

            if (hasattr(obj, 'coords') and obj.coords.ndim == 2 and
                    obj.coords.shape[1] == 3):
                kwargs['ax'] = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
                kwargs['ax'] = fig.add_subplot(111)

        title = kwargs.pop('title')

        plot(obj, **kwargs)


        except NameError:
            # No figure created, an axis was passed.

        return kwargs['ax'].figure, kwargs['ax']

    return inner

[docs]def close_all(): r"""Close all opened windows.""" global _qtg_widgets for widget in _qtg_widgets: widget.close() _qtg_widgets = [] global _plt_figures for fig in _plt_figures: _, plt, _ = _import_plt() plt.close(fig) _plt_figures = []
[docs]def show(*args, **kwargs): r"""Show created figures, alias to ````. By default, showing plots does not block the prompt. Calling this function will block execution. """ _, plt, _ = _import_plt()*args, **kwargs)
[docs]def close(*args, **kwargs): r"""Close last created figure, alias to ``plt.close()``.""" _, plt, _ = _import_plt() plt.close(*args, **kwargs)
def _qtg_plot_graph(G, edges, vertex_size, title): qtg, gl, QtGui = _import_qtg() if G.coords.shape[1] == 2: widget = qtg.GraphicsLayoutWidget() view = widget.addViewBox() view.setAspectLocked() if edges: pen = tuple(np.array(G.plotting['edge_color']) * 255) else: pen = None adj = _get_coords(G, edge_list=True) g = qtg.GraphItem(pos=G.coords, adj=adj, pen=pen, size=vertex_size/10) view.addItem(g) elif G.coords.shape[1] == 3: if not QtGui.QApplication.instance(): QtGui.QApplication([]) # We want only one application. widget = gl.GLViewWidget() widget.opts['distance'] = 10 if edges: x, y, z = _get_coords(G) pos = np.stack((x, y, z), axis=1) g = gl.GLLinePlotItem(pos=pos, mode='lines', color=G.plotting['edge_color']) widget.addItem(g) gp = gl.GLScatterPlotItem(pos=G.coords, size=vertex_size/3, color=G.plotting['vertex_color']) widget.addItem(gp) widget.setWindowTitle(title) global _qtg_widgets _qtg_widgets.append(widget) def _plot_filter(filters, n, eigenvalues, sum, labels, title, ax, **kwargs): r"""Plot the spectral response of a filter bank. Parameters ---------- n : int Number of points where the filters are evaluated. eigenvalues : boolean Whether to show the eigenvalues of the graph Laplacian. The eigenvalues should have been computed with :meth:`~pygsp.graphs.Graph.compute_fourier_basis`. By default, the eigenvalues are shown if they are available. sum : boolean Whether to plot the sum of the squared magnitudes of the filters. Default False if there is only one filter in the bank, True otherwise. labels : boolean Whether to label the filters. Default False if there is only one filter in the bank, True otherwise. title : str Title of the figure. ax : :class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes` Axes where to draw the graph. Optional, created if not passed. kwargs : dict Additional parameters passed to the matplotlib plot function. Useful for example to change the linewidth, linestyle, or set a label. Returns ------- fig : :class:`matplotlib.figure.Figure` The figure the plot belongs to. Only with the matplotlib backend. ax : :class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes` The axes the plot belongs to. Only with the matplotlib backend. Notes ----- This function is only implemented with the matplotlib backend. Examples -------- >>> import matplotlib >>> G = graphs.Logo() >>> mh = filters.MexicanHat(G) >>> fig, ax = mh.plot() """ if eigenvalues is None: eigenvalues = (filters.G._e is not None) if sum is None: sum = (filters.n_filters > 1) if labels is None: labels = (filters.n_filters > 1) if title is None: title = repr(filters) return _plt_plot_filter(filters, n=n, eigenvalues=eigenvalues, sum=sum, labels=labels, title=title, ax=ax, **kwargs) @_plt_handle_figure def _plt_plot_filter(filters, n, eigenvalues, sum, labels, ax, **kwargs): x = np.linspace(0, filters.G.lmax, n) params = dict(alpha=0.5) params.update(kwargs) if eigenvalues: # Evaluate the filter bank at the eigenvalues to avoid plotting # artifacts, for example when deltas are centered on the eigenvalues. x = np.sort(np.concatenate([x, filters.G.e])) y = filters.evaluate(x).T lines = ax.plot(x, y, **params) # TODO: plot highlighted eigenvalues if sum: line_sum, = ax.plot(x, np.sum(y**2, 1), 'k', **kwargs) if labels: for i, line in enumerate(lines): line.set_label(fr'$g_{{{i}}}(\lambda)$') if sum: line_sum.set_label(fr'$\sum_i g_i^2(\lambda)$') ax.legend() if eigenvalues: segs = np.empty((len(filters.G.e), 2, 2)) segs[:, 0, 0] = segs[:, 1, 0] = filters.G.e segs[:, :, 1] = [0, 1] mpl, _, _ = _import_plt() ax.add_collection(mpl.collections.LineCollection( segs, transform=ax.get_xaxis_transform(), zorder=0, color=[0.9]*3, linewidth=1, label='eigenvalues') ) # Plot dots where the evaluation matters. y = filters.evaluate(filters.G.e).T params.pop('label', None) for i in range(y.shape[1]): params.update(color=lines[i].get_color()) ax.plot(filters.G.e, y[:, i], '.', **params) if sum: params.update(color=line_sum.get_color()) ax.plot(filters.G.e, np.sum(y**2, 1), '.', **params) ax.set_xlabel(r"laplacian's eigenvalues (graph frequencies) $\lambda$") ax.set_ylabel(r'filter response $g(\lambda)$') def _plot_graph(G, vertex_color, vertex_size, highlight, edges, edge_color, edge_width, indices, colorbar, limits, ax, title, backend): r"""Plot a graph with signals as color or vertex size. Parameters ---------- vertex_color : array_like or color Signal to plot as vertex color (length is the number of vertices). If None, vertex color is set to `graph.plotting['vertex_color']`. Alternatively, a color can be set in any format accepted by matplotlib. Each vertex color can by specified by an RGB(A) array of dimension `n_vertices` x 3 (or 4). vertex_size : array_like or int Signal to plot as vertex size (length is the number of vertices). Vertex size ranges from 0.5 to 2 times `graph.plotting['vertex_size']`. If None, vertex size is set to `graph.plotting['vertex_size']`. Alternatively, a size can be passed as an integer. The pyqtgraph backend only accepts an integer size. highlight : iterable List of indices of vertices to be highlighted. Useful for example to show where a filter was localized. Only available with the matplotlib backend. edges : bool Whether to draw edges in addition to vertices. Default to True if less than 10,000 edges to draw. Note that drawing many edges can be slow. edge_color : array_like or color Signal to plot as edge color (length is the number of edges). Edge color is given by `graph.plotting['edge_color']` and transparency ranges from 0.2 to 0.9. If None, edge color is set to `graph.plotting['edge_color']`. Alternatively, a color can be set in any format accepted by matplotlib. Each edge color can by specified by an RGB(A) array of dimension `n_edges` x 3 (or 4). Only available with the matplotlib backend. edge_width : array_like or int Signal to plot as edge width (length is the number of edges). Edge width ranges from 0.5 to 2 times `graph.plotting['edge_width']`. If None, edge width is set to `graph.plotting['edge_width']`. Alternatively, a width can be passed as an integer. Only available with the matplotlib backend. indices : bool Whether to print the node indices (in the adjacency / Laplacian matrix and signal vectors) on top of each node. Useful to locate a node of interest. Only available with the matplotlib backend. colorbar : bool Whether to plot a colorbar indicating the signal's amplitude. Only available with the matplotlib backend. limits : [vmin, vmax] Map colors from vmin to vmax. Defaults to signal minimum and maximum value. Only available with the matplotlib backend. ax : :class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes` Axes where to draw the graph. Optional, created if not passed. Only available with the matplotlib backend. title : str Title of the figure. backend: {'matplotlib', 'pyqtgraph', None} Defines the drawing backend to use. Defaults to :data:`pygsp.plotting.BACKEND`. Returns ------- fig : :class:`matplotlib.figure.Figure` The figure the plot belongs to. Only with the matplotlib backend. ax : :class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes` The axes the plot belongs to. Only with the matplotlib backend. Notes ----- The orientation of directed edges is not shown. If edges exist in both directions, they will be drawn on top of each other. Examples -------- >>> import matplotlib >>> graph = graphs.Sensor(20, seed=42) >>> graph.compute_fourier_basis(n_eigenvectors=4) >>> _, _, weights = graph.get_edge_list() >>> fig, ax = graph.plot(graph.U[:, 1], vertex_size=graph.dw, ... edge_color=weights) >>> graph.plotting['vertex_size'] = 300 >>> graph.plotting['edge_width'] = 5 >>> graph.plotting['edge_style'] = '--' >>> fig, ax = graph.plot(edge_width=weights, edge_color=(0, .8, .8, .5), ... vertex_color='black') >>> fig, ax = graph.plot(vertex_size=graph.dw, indices=True, ... highlight=[17, 3, 16], edges=False) """ if not hasattr(G, 'coords') or G.coords is None: raise AttributeError('Graph has no coordinate set. ' 'Please run G.set_coordinates() first.') check_2d_3d = (G.coords.ndim != 2) or (G.coords.shape[1] not in [2, 3]) if G.coords.ndim != 1 and check_2d_3d: raise AttributeError('Coordinates should be in 1D, 2D or 3D space.') if G.coords.shape[0] != G.N: raise AttributeError('Graph needs G.N = {} coordinates.'.format(G.N)) if backend is None: backend = BACKEND def check_shape(signal, name, length, many=False): if (signal.ndim == 0) or (signal.shape[0] != length): txt = '{}: signal should have length {}.' txt = txt.format(name, length) raise ValueError(txt) if (not many) and (signal.ndim != 1): txt = '{}: can plot only one signal (not {}).' txt = txt.format(name, signal.shape[1]) raise ValueError(txt) def normalize(x): """Scale values in [intercept, 1]. Return 0.5 if constant. Set intercept value in G.plotting["normalize_intercept"] with value in [0, 1], default is .25. """ ptp = x.ptp() if ptp == 0: return np.full(x.shape, 0.5) else: intercept = G.plotting['normalize_intercept'] return (1. - intercept) * (x - x.min()) / ptp + intercept def is_color(color): if backend == 'matplotlib': mpl, _, _ = _import_plt() if mpl.colors.is_color_like(color): return True # single color try: return all(map(mpl.colors.is_color_like, color)) # color list except TypeError: return False # e.g., color is an int else: return False # No support for pyqtgraph (yet). if vertex_color is None: limits = [0, 0] colorbar = False if backend == 'matplotlib': vertex_color = (G.plotting['vertex_color'],) elif is_color(vertex_color): limits = [0, 0] colorbar = False else: vertex_color = np.asanyarray(vertex_color).squeeze() check_shape(vertex_color, 'Vertex color', G.n_vertices, many=(G.coords.ndim == 1)) if vertex_size is None: vertex_size = G.plotting['vertex_size'] elif not np.isscalar(vertex_size): vertex_size = np.asanyarray(vertex_size).squeeze() check_shape(vertex_size, 'Vertex size', G.n_vertices) vertex_size = G.plotting['vertex_size'] * 4 * normalize(vertex_size)**2 if edges is None: edges = G.Ne < 10e3 if edge_color is None: edge_color = (G.plotting['edge_color'],) elif not is_color(edge_color): edge_color = np.asanyarray(edge_color).squeeze() check_shape(edge_color, 'Edge color', G.n_edges) edge_color = 0.9 * normalize(edge_color) edge_color = [ np.tile(G.plotting['edge_color'][:3], [len(edge_color), 1]), edge_color[:, np.newaxis], ] edge_color = np.concatenate(edge_color, axis=1) if edge_width is None: edge_width = G.plotting['edge_width'] elif not np.isscalar(edge_width): edge_width = np.array(edge_width).squeeze() check_shape(edge_width, 'Edge width', G.n_edges) edge_width = G.plotting['edge_width'] * 2 * normalize(edge_width) if limits is None: limits = [1.05*vertex_color.min(), 1.05*vertex_color.max()] if title is None: title = G.__repr__(limit=4) if backend == 'pyqtgraph': if vertex_color is None: _qtg_plot_graph(G, edges=edges, vertex_size=vertex_size, title=title) else: _qtg_plot_signal(G, signal=vertex_color, vertex_size=vertex_size, edges=edges, limits=limits, title=title) elif backend == 'matplotlib': return _plt_plot_graph(G, vertex_color=vertex_color, vertex_size=vertex_size, highlight=highlight, edges=edges, indices=indices, colorbar=colorbar, edge_color=edge_color, edge_width=edge_width, limits=limits, ax=ax, title=title) else: raise ValueError('Unknown backend {}.'.format(backend)) @_plt_handle_figure def _plt_plot_graph(G, vertex_color, vertex_size, highlight, edges, edge_color, edge_width, indices, colorbar, limits, ax): mpl, plt, mplot3d = _import_plt() if edges and (G.coords.ndim != 1): # No edges for 1D plots. sources, targets, _ = G.get_edge_list() edges = [ G.coords[sources], G.coords[targets], ] edges = np.stack(edges, axis=1) if G.coords.shape[1] == 2: LineCollection = mpl.collections.LineCollection elif G.coords.shape[1] == 3: LineCollection = mplot3d.art3d.Line3DCollection ax.add_collection(LineCollection( edges, linewidths=edge_width, colors=edge_color, linestyles=G.plotting['edge_style'], zorder=1, )) try: iter(highlight) except TypeError: highlight = [highlight] coords_hl = G.coords[highlight] if G.coords.ndim == 1: ax.plot(G.coords, vertex_color, alpha=0.5) ax.set_ylim(limits) for coord_hl in coords_hl: ax.axvline(x=coord_hl, color=G.plotting['highlight_color'], linewidth=2) else: sc = ax.scatter(*G.coords.T, c=vertex_color, s=vertex_size, marker='o', linewidths=0, alpha=0.5, zorder=2, vmin=limits[0], vmax=limits[1]) if np.isscalar(vertex_size): size_hl = vertex_size else: size_hl = vertex_size[highlight] ax.scatter(*coords_hl.T, s=2*size_hl, zorder=3, marker='o', c='None', edgecolors=G.plotting['highlight_color'], linewidths=2) if G.coords.shape[1] == 3: try: ax.view_init(elev=G.plotting['elevation'], azim=G.plotting['azimuth']) ax.dist = G.plotting['distance'] except KeyError: pass if G.coords.ndim != 1 and colorbar: plt.colorbar(sc, ax=ax) if indices: for node in range(G.N): ax.text(*tuple(G.coords[node]), # accomodate 2D and 3D s=node, color='white', horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='center') def _qtg_plot_signal(G, signal, edges, vertex_size, limits, title): qtg, gl, QtGui = _import_qtg() if G.coords.shape[1] == 2: widget = qtg.GraphicsLayoutWidget() view = widget.addViewBox() elif G.coords.shape[1] == 3: if not QtGui.QApplication.instance(): QtGui.QApplication([]) # We want only one application. widget = gl.GLViewWidget() widget.opts['distance'] = 10 if edges: if G.coords.shape[1] == 2: adj = _get_coords(G, edge_list=True) pen = tuple(np.array(G.plotting['edge_color']) * 255) g = qtg.GraphItem(pos=G.coords, adj=adj, symbolBrush=None, symbolPen=None, pen=pen) view.addItem(g) elif G.coords.shape[1] == 3: x, y, z = _get_coords(G) pos = np.stack((x, y, z), axis=1) g = gl.GLLinePlotItem(pos=pos, mode='lines', color=G.plotting['edge_color']) widget.addItem(g) pos = [1, 8, 24, 40, 56, 64] color = np.array([[0, 0, 143, 255], [0, 0, 255, 255], [0, 255, 255, 255], [255, 255, 0, 255], [255, 0, 0, 255], [128, 0, 0, 255]]) cmap = qtg.ColorMap(pos, color) signal = 1 + 63 * (signal - limits[0]) / limits[1] - limits[0] if G.coords.shape[1] == 2: gp = qtg.ScatterPlotItem(G.coords[:, 0], G.coords[:, 1], size=vertex_size/10,, 'qcolor')) view.addItem(gp) if G.coords.shape[1] == 3: gp = gl.GLScatterPlotItem(pos=G.coords, size=vertex_size/3,, 'float')) widget.addItem(gp) widget.setWindowTitle(title) global _qtg_widgets _qtg_widgets.append(widget) def _plot_spectrogram(G, node_idx): r"""Plot the graph's spectrogram. Parameters ---------- node_idx : ndarray Order to sort the nodes in the spectrogram. By default, does not reorder the nodes. Notes ----- This function is only implemented for the pyqtgraph backend at the moment. Examples -------- >>> G = graphs.Ring(15) >>> G.plot_spectrogram() """ from pygsp import features qtg, _, _ = _import_qtg() if not hasattr(G, 'spectr'): features.compute_spectrogram(G) M = G.spectr.shape[1] spectr = G.spectr[node_idx, :] if node_idx is not None else G.spectr spectr = np.ravel(spectr) min_spec, max_spec = spectr.min(), spectr.max() pos = np.array([0., 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1.]) color = [[20, 133, 212, 255], [53, 42, 135, 255], [48, 174, 170, 255], [210, 184, 87, 255], [249, 251, 14, 255]] color = np.array(color, dtype=np.ubyte) cmap = qtg.ColorMap(pos, color) spectr = (spectr.astype(float) - min_spec) / (max_spec - min_spec) widget = qtg.GraphicsLayoutWidget() label = 'frequencies {}:{:.2f}:{:.2f}'.format(0, G.lmax/M, G.lmax) v = widget.addPlot(labels={'bottom': 'nodes', 'left': label}) v.setAspectLocked() spi = qtg.ScatterPlotItem(np.repeat(np.arange(G.N), M), np.ravel(np.tile(np.arange(M), (1, G.N))), pxMode=False, symbol='s', size=1,, 'qcolor')) v.addItem(spi) widget.setWindowTitle("Spectrogram of {}".format(G.__repr__(limit=4))) global _qtg_widgets _qtg_widgets.append(widget) def _get_coords(G, edge_list=False): sources, targets, _ = G.get_edge_list() if edge_list: return np.stack((sources, targets), axis=1) coords = [np.stack((G.coords[sources, d], G.coords[targets, d]), axis=0) for d in range(G.coords.shape[1])] if G.coords.shape[1] == 2: return coords elif G.coords.shape[1] == 3: return [coord.reshape(-1, order='F') for coord in coords]