Source code for pygsp.reduction

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

The :mod:`pygsp.reduction` module implements functionalities for the reduction
of graphs' vertex set while keeping the graph structure.

.. autosummary::



import numpy as np
from scipy import sparse, stats
from scipy.sparse import linalg

from pygsp import graphs, filters, utils

logger = utils.build_logger(__name__)

def _analysis(g, s, **kwargs):
    # TODO: that is the legacy analysis method.
    s = g.filter(s, **kwargs)
    while s.ndim < 3:
        s = np.expand_dims(s, 1)
    return s.swapaxes(1, 2).reshape(-1, s.shape[1], order='F')

[docs]def graph_sparsify(M, epsilon, maxiter=10): r"""Sparsify a graph (with Spielman-Srivastava). Parameters ---------- M : Graph or sparse matrix Graph structure or a Laplacian matrix epsilon : int Sparsification parameter Returns ------- Mnew : Graph or sparse matrix New graph structure or sparse matrix Notes ----- Epsilon should be between 1/sqrt(N) and 1 Examples -------- >>> from pygsp import reduction >>> G = graphs.Sensor(256, Nc=20, distribute=True) >>> epsilon = 0.4 >>> G2 = reduction.graph_sparsify(G, epsilon) References ---------- See :cite:`spielman2011graph`, :cite:`rudelson1999random` and :cite:`rudelson2007sampling`. for more informations """ # Test the input parameters if isinstance(M, graphs.Graph): if not M.lap_type == 'combinatorial': raise NotImplementedError L = M.L else: L = M N = np.shape(L)[0] if not 1./np.sqrt(N) <= epsilon < 1: raise ValueError('GRAPH_SPARSIFY: Epsilon out of required range') # Not sparse resistance_distances = utils.resistance_distance(L).toarray() # Get the Weight matrix if isinstance(M, graphs.Graph): W = M.W else: W = np.diag(L.diagonal()) - L.toarray() W[W < 1e-10] = 0 W = sparse.coo_matrix(W)[ < 1e-10] = 0 W = W.tocsc() W.eliminate_zeros() start_nodes, end_nodes, weights = sparse.find(sparse.tril(W)) # Calculate the new weights. weights = np.maximum(0, weights) Re = np.maximum(0, resistance_distances[start_nodes, end_nodes]) Pe = weights * Re Pe = Pe / np.sum(Pe) for i in range(maxiter): # Rudelson, 1996 Random Vectors in the Isotropic Position # (too hard to figure out actual C0) C0 = 1 / 30. # Rudelson and Vershynin, 2007, Thm. 3.1 C = 4 * C0 q = round(N * np.log(N) * 9 * C**2 / (epsilon**2)) results = stats.rv_discrete(values=(np.arange(np.shape(Pe)[0]), Pe)).rvs(size=int(q)) spin_counts = stats.itemfreq(results).astype(int) per_spin_weights = weights / (q * Pe) counts = np.zeros(np.shape(weights)[0]) counts[spin_counts[:, 0]] = spin_counts[:, 1] new_weights = counts * per_spin_weights sparserW = sparse.csc_matrix((new_weights, (start_nodes, end_nodes)), shape=(N, N)) sparserW = sparserW + sparserW.T sparserL = sparse.diags(sparserW.diagonal(), 0) - sparserW if graphs.Graph(W=sparserW).is_connected(): break elif i == maxiter - 1: logger.warning('Despite attempts to reduce epsilon, sparsified graph is disconnected') else: epsilon -= (epsilon - 1/np.sqrt(N)) / 2. if isinstance(M, graphs.Graph): sparserW = sparse.diags(sparserL.diagonal(), 0) - sparserL if not M.is_directed(): sparserW = (sparserW + sparserW.T) / 2. Mnew = graphs.Graph(W=sparserW) #M.copy_graph_attributes(Mnew) else: Mnew = sparse.lil_matrix(sparserL) return Mnew
[docs]def interpolate(G, f_subsampled, keep_inds, order=100, reg_eps=0.005, **kwargs): r"""Interpolate a graph signal. Parameters ---------- G : Graph f_subsampled : ndarray A graph signal on the graph G. keep_inds : ndarray List of indices on which the signal is sampled. order : int Degree of the Chebyshev approximation (default = 100). reg_eps : float The regularized graph Laplacian is $\bar{L}=L+\epsilon I$. A smaller epsilon may lead to better regularization, but will also require a higher order Chebyshev approximation. Returns ------- f_interpolated : ndarray Interpolated graph signal on the full vertex set of G. References ---------- See :cite:`pesenson2009variational` """ L_reg = G.L + reg_eps * sparse.eye(G.N) K_reg = getattr(, 'K_reg', kron_reduction(L_reg, keep_inds)) green_kernel = getattr(, 'green_kernel', filters.Filter(G, lambda x: 1. / (reg_eps + x))) alpha = try: Nv = np.shape(f_subsampled)[1] f_interpolated = np.zeros((G.N, Nv)) except IndexError: f_interpolated = np.zeros((G.N)) f_interpolated[keep_inds] = alpha return _analysis(green_kernel, f_interpolated, order=order, **kwargs)
[docs]def graph_multiresolution(G, levels, sparsify=True, sparsify_eps=None, downsampling_method='largest_eigenvector', reduction_method='kron', compute_full_eigen=False, reg_eps=0.005): r"""Compute a pyramid of graphs (by Kron reduction). 'graph_multiresolution(G,levels)' computes a multiresolution of graph by repeatedly downsampling and performing graph reduction. The default downsampling method is the largest eigenvector method based on the polarity of the components of the eigenvector associated with the largest graph Laplacian eigenvalue. The default graph reduction method is Kron reduction followed by a graph sparsification step. *param* is a structure of optional parameters. Parameters ---------- G : Graph structure The graph to reduce. levels : int Number of level of decomposition lambd : float Stability parameter. It adds self loop to the graph to give the algorithm some stability (default = 0.025). [UNUSED?!] sparsify : bool To perform a spectral sparsification step immediately after the graph reduction (default is True). sparsify_eps : float Parameter epsilon used in the spectral sparsification (default is min(10/sqrt(G.N),.3)). downsampling_method: string The graph downsampling method (default is 'largest_eigenvector'). reduction_method : string The graph reduction method (default is 'kron') compute_full_eigen : bool To also compute the graph Laplacian eigenvalues and eigenvectors for every graph in the multiresolution sequence (default is False). reg_eps : float The regularized graph Laplacian is :math:`\bar{L}=L+\epsilon I`. A smaller epsilon may lead to better regularization, but will also require a higher order Chebyshev approximation. (default is 0.005) Returns ------- Gs : list A list of graph layers. Examples -------- >>> from pygsp import reduction >>> levels = 5 >>> G = graphs.Sensor(N=512) >>> G.compute_fourier_basis() >>> Gs = reduction.graph_multiresolution(G, levels, sparsify=False) >>> for idx in range(levels): ... Gs[idx].plotting['plot_name'] = 'Reduction level: {}'.format(idx) ... Gs[idx].plot() """ if sparsify_eps is None: sparsify_eps = min(10. / np.sqrt(G.N), 0.3) if compute_full_eigen: G.compute_fourier_basis() else: G.estimate_lmax() Gs = [G] Gs[0].mr = {'idx': np.arange(G.N), 'orig_idx': np.arange(G.N)} for i in range(levels): if downsampling_method == 'largest_eigenvector': if hasattr(Gs[i], '_U'): V = Gs[i].U[:, -1] else: V = linalg.eigs(Gs[i].L, 1)[1][:, 0] V *= np.sign(V[0]) ind = np.nonzero(V >= 0)[0] else: raise NotImplementedError('Unknown graph downsampling method.') if reduction_method == 'kron': Gs.append(kron_reduction(Gs[i], ind)) else: raise NotImplementedError('Unknown graph reduction method.') if sparsify and Gs[i+1].N > 2: Gs[i+1] = graph_sparsify(Gs[i+1], min(max(sparsify_eps, 2. / np.sqrt(Gs[i+1].N)), 1.)) # TODO : Make in place modifications instead! if compute_full_eigen: Gs[i+1].compute_fourier_basis() else: Gs[i+1].estimate_lmax() Gs[i+1].mr = {'idx': ind, 'orig_idx': Gs[i].mr['orig_idx'][ind], 'level': i} L_reg = Gs[i].L + reg_eps * sparse.eye(Gs[i].N) Gs[i].mr['K_reg'] = kron_reduction(L_reg, ind) Gs[i].mr['green_kernel'] = filters.Filter(Gs[i], lambda x: 1./(reg_eps + x)) return Gs
[docs]def kron_reduction(G, ind): r"""Compute the Kron reduction. This function perform the Kron reduction of the weight matrix in the graph *G*, with boundary nodes labeled by *ind*. This function will create a new graph with a weight matrix Wnew that contain only boundary nodes and is computed as the Schur complement of the original matrix with respect to the selected indices. Parameters ---------- G : Graph or sparse matrix Graph structure or weight matrix ind : list indices of the nodes to keep Returns ------- Gnew : Graph or sparse matrix New graph structure or weight matrix References ---------- See :cite:`dorfler2013kron` """ if isinstance(G, graphs.Graph): if G.lap_type != 'combinatorial': msg = 'Unknown reduction for {} Laplacian.'.format(G.lap_type) raise NotImplementedError(msg) if G.is_directed(): msg = 'This method only work for undirected graphs.' raise NotImplementedError(msg) L = G.L else: L = G N = np.shape(L)[0] ind_comp = np.setdiff1d(np.arange(N, dtype=int), ind) L_red = L[np.ix_(ind, ind)] L_in_out = L[np.ix_(ind, ind_comp)] L_out_in = L[np.ix_(ind_comp, ind)].tocsc() L_comp = L[np.ix_(ind_comp, ind_comp)].tocsc() Lnew = L_red -, L_out_in)) # Make the laplacian symmetric if it is almost symmetric! if np.abs(Lnew - Lnew.T).sum() < np.spacing(1) * np.abs(Lnew).sum(): Lnew = (Lnew + Lnew.T) / 2. if isinstance(G, graphs.Graph): # Suppress the diagonal ? This is a good question? Wnew = sparse.diags(Lnew.diagonal(), 0) - Lnew Snew = Lnew.diagonal() - np.ravel(Wnew.sum(0)) if np.linalg.norm(Snew, 2) >= np.spacing(1000): Wnew = Wnew + sparse.diags(Snew, 0) # Removing diagonal for stability Wnew = Wnew - Wnew.diagonal() coords = G.coords[ind, :] if len(G.coords.shape) else np.ndarray(None) Gnew = graphs.Graph(W=Wnew, coords=coords, lap_type=G.lap_type, plotting=G.plotting, gtype='Kron reduction') else: Gnew = Lnew return Gnew
[docs]def pyramid_analysis(Gs, f, **kwargs): r"""Compute the graph pyramid transform coefficients. Parameters ---------- Gs : list of graphs A multiresolution sequence of graph structures. f : ndarray Graph signal to analyze. h_filters : list A list of filter that will be used for the analysis and sythesis operator. If only one filter is given, it will be used for all levels. Default is h(x) = 1 / (2x+1) Returns ------- ca : ndarray Coarse approximation at each level pe : ndarray Prediction error at each level h_filters : list Graph spectral filters applied References ---------- See :cite:`shuman2013framework` and :cite:`pesenson2009variational`. """ if np.shape(f)[0] != Gs[0].N: raise ValueError("PYRAMID ANALYSIS: The signal to analyze should have the same dimension as the first graph.") levels = len(Gs) - 1 # check if the type of filters is right. h_filters = kwargs.pop('h_filters', lambda x: 1. / (2*x+1)) if not isinstance(h_filters, list): if hasattr(h_filters, '__call__'): logger.warning('Converting filters into a list.') h_filters = [h_filters] else: logger.error('Filters must be a list of functions.') if len(h_filters) == 1: h_filters = h_filters * levels elif len(h_filters) != levels: message = 'The number of filters must be one or equal to {}.'.format(levels) raise ValueError(message) ca = [f] pe = [] for i in range(levels): # Low pass the signal s_low = _analysis(filters.Filter(Gs[i], h_filters[i]), ca[i], **kwargs) # Keep only the coefficient on the selected nodes ca.append(s_low[Gs[i+1].mr['idx']]) # Compute prediction s_pred = interpolate(Gs[i], ca[i+1], Gs[i+1].mr['idx'], **kwargs) # Compute errors pe.append(ca[i] - s_pred) return ca, pe
[docs]def pyramid_synthesis(Gs, cap, pe, order=30, **kwargs): r"""Synthesize a signal from its pyramid coefficients. Parameters ---------- Gs : Array of Graphs A multiresolution sequence of graph structures. cap : ndarray Coarsest approximation of the original signal. pe : ndarray Prediction error at each level. use_exact : bool To use exact graph spectral filtering instead of the Chebyshev approximation. order : int Degree of the Chebyshev approximation (default=30). least_squares : bool To use the least squares synthesis (default=False). h_filters : ndarray The filters used in the analysis operator. These are required for least squares synthesis, but not for the direct synthesis method. use_landweber : bool To use the Landweber iteration approximation in the least squares synthesis. reg_eps : float Interpolation parameter. landweber_its : int Number of iterations in the Landweber approximation for least squares synthesis. landweber_tau : float Parameter for the Landweber iteration. Returns ------- reconstruction : ndarray The reconstructed signal. ca : ndarray Coarse approximations at each level """ least_squares = bool(kwargs.pop('least_squares', False)) def_ul = Gs[0].N > 3000 or not hasattr(Gs[0], '_e') or not hasattr(Gs[0], '_U') use_landweber = bool(kwargs.pop('use_landweber', def_ul)) reg_eps = float(kwargs.get('reg_eps', 0.005)) if least_squares and 'h_filters' not in kwargs: ValueError('h-filters not provided.') levels = len(Gs) - 1 if len(pe) != levels: ValueError('Gs and pe have different shapes.') ca = [cap] # Reconstruct each level for i in range(levels): if not least_squares: s_pred = interpolate(Gs[levels - i - 1], ca[i], Gs[levels - i].mr['idx'], order=order, reg_eps=reg_eps, **kwargs) ca.append(s_pred + pe[levels - i - 1]) else: ca.append(_pyramid_single_interpolation(Gs[levels - i - 1], ca[i], pe[levels - i - 1], h_filters[levels - i - 1], use_landweber=use_landweber, **kwargs)) ca.reverse() reconstruction = ca[0] return reconstruction, ca
def _pyramid_single_interpolation(G, ca, pe, keep_inds, h_filter, **kwargs): r"""Synthesize a single level of the graph pyramid transform. Parameters ---------- G : Graph Graph structure on which the signal resides. ca : ndarray Coarse approximation of the signal on a reduced graph. pe : ndarray Prediction error that was made when forming the current coarse approximation. keep_inds : ndarray The indices of the vertices to keep when downsampling the graph and signal. h_filter : lambda expression The filter in use at this level. use_landweber : bool To use the Landweber iteration approximation in the least squares synthesis. Default is False. reg_eps : float Interpolation parameter. Default is 0.005. landweber_its : int Number of iterations in the Landweber approximation for least squares synthesis. Default is 50. landweber_tau : float Parameter for the Landweber iteration. Default is 1. Returns ------- finer_approx : Coarse approximation of the signal on a higher resolution graph. """ nb_ind = keep_inds.shape N = G.N reg_eps = float(kwargs.pop('reg_eps', 0.005)) use_landweber = bool(kwargs.pop('use_landweber', False)) landweber_its = int(kwargs.pop('landweber_its', 50)) landweber_tau = float(kwargs.pop('landweber_tau', 1.)) # index matrix (nb_ind x N) of keep_inds, S_i,j = 1 iff keep_inds[i] = j S = sparse.csr_matrix(([1] * nb_ind, (range(nb_ind), keep_inds)), shape=(nb_ind, N)) if use_landweber: x = np.zeros(N) z = np.concatenate((ca, pe), axis=0) green_kernel = filters.Filter(G, lambda x: 1./(x+reg_eps)) PhiVlt = _analysis(green_kernel, S.T, **kwargs).T filt = filters.Filter(G, h_filter, **kwargs) for iteration in range(landweber_its): h_filtered_sig = _analysis(filt, x, **kwargs) x_bar = h_filtered_sig[keep_inds] y_bar = x - interpolate(G, x_bar, keep_inds, **kwargs) z_delt = np.concatenate((x_bar, y_bar), axis=0) z_delt = z - z_delt alpha_new = PhiVlt * z_delt[nb_ind:] x_up = sparse.csr_matrix((z_delt, (range(nb_ind), [1] * nb_ind)), shape=(N, 1)) reg_L = G.L + reg_esp * sparse.eye(N) elim_inds = np.setdiff1d(np.arange(N, dtype=int), keep_inds) L_red = reg_L[np.ix_(keep_inds, keep_inds)] L_in_out = reg_L[np.ix_(keep_inds, elim_inds)] L_out_in = reg_L[np.ix_(elim_inds, keep_inds)] L_comp = reg_L[np.ix_(elim_inds, elim_inds)] next_term = L_red * alpha_new - L_in_out * linalg.spsolve(L_comp, L_out_in * alpha_new) next_up = sparse.csr_matrix((next_term, (keep_inds, [1] * nb_ind)), shape=(N, 1)) x += landweber_tau * _analysis(filt, x_up - next_up, **kwargs) + z_delt[nb_ind:] finer_approx = x else: # When the graph is small enough, we can do a full eigendecomposition # and compute the full analysis operator T_a H = G.U * sparse.diags(h_filter(G.e), 0) * G.U.T Phi = G.U * sparse.diags(1./(reg_eps + G.e), 0) * G.U.T Ta = np.concatenate((S * H, sparse.eye(G.N) - Phi[:, keep_inds] * linalg.spsolve(Phi[np.ix_(keep_inds, keep_inds)], S*H)), axis=0) finer_approx = linalg.spsolve(Ta.T * Ta, Ta.T * np.concatenate((ca, pe), axis=0)) def _tree_depths(A, root): if not graphs.Graph(A=A).is_connected(): raise ValueError('Graph is not connected') N = np.shape(A)[0] assigned = root - 1 depths = np.zeros((N)) parents = np.zeros((N)) next_to_expand = np.array([root]) current_depth = 1 while len(assigned) < N: new_entries_whole_round = [] for i in range(len(next_to_expand)): neighbors = np.where(A[next_to_expand[i]])[0] new_entries = np.setdiff1d(neighbors, assigned) parents[new_entries] = next_to_expand[i] depths[new_entries] = current_depth assigned = np.concatenate((assigned, new_entries)) new_entries_whole_round = np.concatenate((new_entries_whole_round, new_entries)) current_depth = current_depth + 1 next_to_expand = new_entries_whole_round return depths, parents
[docs]def tree_multiresolution(G, Nlevel, reduction_method='resistance_distance', compute_full_eigen=False, root=None): r"""Compute a multiresolution of trees Parameters ---------- G : Graph Graph structure of a tree. Nlevel : Number of times to downsample and coarsen the tree root : int The index of the root of the tree. (default = 1) reduction_method : str The graph reduction method (default = 'resistance_distance') compute_full_eigen : bool To also compute the graph Laplacian eigenvalues for every tree in the sequence Returns ------- Gs : ndarray Ndarray, with each element containing a graph structure represent a reduced tree. subsampled_vertex_indices : ndarray Indices of the vertices of the previous tree that are kept for the subsequent tree. """ if not root: if hasattr(G, 'root'): root = G.root else: root = 1 Gs = [G] if compute_full_eigen: Gs[0].compute_fourier_basis() subsampled_vertex_indices = [] depths, parents = _tree_depths(G.A, root) old_W = G.W for lev in range(Nlevel): # Identify the vertices in the even depths of the current tree down_odd = round(depths) % 2 down_even = np.ones((Gs[lev].N)) - down_odd keep_inds = np.where(down_even == 1)[0] subsampled_vertex_indices.append(keep_inds) # There will be one undirected edge in the new graph connecting each # non-root subsampled vertex to its new parent. Here, we find the new # indices of the new parents non_root_keep_inds, new_non_root_inds = np.setdiff1d(keep_inds, root) old_parents_of_non_root_keep_inds = parents[non_root_keep_inds] old_grandparents_of_non_root_keep_inds = parents[old_parents_of_non_root_keep_inds] # TODO new_non_root_parents = dsearchn(keep_inds, old_grandparents_of_non_root_keep_inds) old_W_i_inds, old_W_j_inds, old_W_weights = sparse.find(old_W) i_inds = np.concatenate((new_non_root_inds, new_non_root_parents)) j_inds = np.concatenate((new_non_root_parents, new_non_root_inds)) new_N = np.sum(down_even) if reduction_method == "unweighted": new_weights = np.ones(np.shape(i_inds)) elif reduction_method == "sum": # TODO old_weights_to_parents_inds = dsearchn([old_W_i_inds,old_W_j_inds], [non_root_keep_inds, old_parents_of_non_root_keep_inds]); old_weights_to_parents = old_W_weights[old_weights_to_parents_inds] # old_W(non_root_keep_inds,old_parents_of_non_root_keep_inds); # TODO old_weights_parents_to_grandparents_inds = dsearchn([old_W_i_inds, old_W_j_inds], [old_parents_of_non_root_keep_inds, old_grandparents_of_non_root_keep_inds]) old_weights_parents_to_grandparents = old_W_weights[old_weights_parents_to_grandparents_inds] # old_W(old_parents_of_non_root_keep_inds,old_grandparents_of_non_root_keep_inds); new_weights = old_weights_to_parents + old_weights_parents_to_grandparents new_weights = np.concatenate((new_weights. new_weights)) elif reduction_method == "resistance_distance": # TODO old_weights_to_parents_inds = dsearchn([old_W_i_inds, old_W_j_inds], [non_root_keep_inds, old_parents_of_non_root_keep_inds]) old_weights_to_parents = old_W_weight[sold_weights_to_parents_inds] # old_W(non_root_keep_inds,old_parents_of_non_root_keep_inds); # TODO old_weights_parents_to_grandparents_inds = dsearchn([old_W_i_inds, old_W_j_inds], [old_parents_of_non_root_keep_inds, old_grandparents_of_non_root_keep_inds]) old_weights_parents_to_grandparents = old_W_weights[old_weights_parents_to_grandparents_inds] # old_W(old_parents_of_non_root_keep_inds,old_grandparents_of_non_root_keep_inds); new_weights = 1./(1./old_weights_to_parents + 1./old_weights_parents_to_grandparents) new_weights = np.concatenate(([new_weights, new_weights])) else: raise ValueError('Unknown graph reduction method.') new_W = sparse.csc_matrix((new_weights, (i_inds, j_inds)), shape=(new_N, new_N)) # Update parents new_root = np.where(keep_inds == root)[0] parents = np.zeros(np.shape(keep_inds)[0], np.shape(keep_inds)[0]) parents[:new_root - 1, new_root:] = new_non_root_parents # Update depths depths = depths[keep_inds] depths = depths/2. # Store new tree Gtemp = graphs.Graph(new_W, coords=Gs[lev].coords[keep_inds], limits=G.limits, gtype='tree', root=new_root) #Gs[lev].copy_graph_attributes(Gtemp, False) if compute_full_eigen: Gs[lev + 1].compute_fourier_basis() # Replace current adjacency matrix and root Gs.append(Gtemp) old_W = new_W root = new_root return Gs, subsampled_vertex_indices