Source code for pygsp.plotting

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

The :mod:`pygsp.plotting` module implements functionality to plot PyGSP objects
with a `pyqtgraph <>`_ or `matplotlib
<>`_ drawing backend (which can be controlled by the
:data:`BACKEND` constant or individually for each plotting call):

* graphs from :mod:`pygsp.graphs` with :func:`plot_graph`,
  :func:`plot_spectrogram`, and :func:`plot_signal`,
* filters from :mod:`pygsp.filters` with :func:`plot_filter`.

.. data:: BACKEND

    Indicates which drawing backend to use if none are provided to the plotting
    functions. Should be either 'matplotlib' or 'pyqtgraph'. In general
    pyqtgraph is better for interactive exploration while matplotlib is better
    at generating figures to be included in papers or elsewhere.


from __future__ import division

import traceback

import numpy as np

from pygsp import utils

_logger = utils.build_logger(__name__)

    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    # Not used directly, but needed for 3D projection.
    from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D  # noqa
    _PLT_IMPORT = True
except Exception:
    _logger.error('Cannot import packages for matplotlib: {}'.format(
    _PLT_IMPORT = False

    import pyqtgraph as qtg
    import pyqtgraph.opengl as gl
    from pyqtgraph.Qt import QtGui
    _QTG_IMPORT = True
except Exception:
    _logger.error('Cannot import packages for pyqtgraph: {}'.format(
    _QTG_IMPORT = False

BACKEND = 'pyqtgraph'
_qtg_windows = []
_qtg_widgets = []
_plt_figures = []

def _plt_handle_figure(plot):

    def inner(obj, *args, **kwargs):

        # Create a figure and an axis if none were passed.
        if 'ax' not in kwargs.keys():
            fig = plt.figure()
            global _plt_figures

            if (hasattr(obj, 'coords') and obj.coords.ndim == 2 and
                    obj.coords.shape[1] == 3):
                ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
                ax = fig.add_subplot(111)


        save_as = kwargs.pop('save_as', None)
        plot_name = kwargs.pop('plot_name', '')

        plot(obj, *args, **kwargs)


            if save_as is not None:
                fig.savefig(save_as + '.png')
                fig.savefig(save_as + '.pdf')
        except NameError:
            # No figure created, an axis was passed.

    return inner

[docs]def close_all(): r""" Close all opened windows. """ # Windows can be closed by releasing all references to them so they can be # garbage collected. May not be necessary to call close(). global _qtg_windows for window in _qtg_windows: window.close() _qtg_windows = [] global _qtg_widgets for widget in _qtg_widgets: widget.close() _qtg_widgets = [] global _plt_figures for fig in _plt_figures: plt.close(fig) _plt_figures = []
[docs]def show(*args, **kwargs): r""" Show created figures. Alias to By default, showing plots does not block the prompt. """*args, **kwargs)
[docs]def close(*args, **kwargs): r""" Close created figures. Alias to plt.close(). """ plt.close(*args, **kwargs)
[docs]def plot(O, **kwargs): r""" Main plotting function. This convenience function either calls :func:`plot_graph` or :func:`plot_filter` given the type of the passed object. Parameters can be passed to those functions. Parameters ---------- O : Graph, Filter object to plot Examples -------- >>> from pygsp import plotting >>> G = graphs.Logo() >>> plotting.plot(G) """ try: O.plot(**kwargs) except AttributeError: raise TypeError('Unrecognized object, i.e. not a Graph or Filter.')
[docs]def plot_graph(G, backend=None, **kwargs): r""" Plot a graph or a list of graphs. Parameters ---------- G : Graph Graph to plot. show_edges : bool True to draw edges, false to only draw vertices. Default True if less than 10,000 edges to draw. Note that drawing a large number of edges might be particularly slow. backend: {'matplotlib', 'pyqtgraph'} Defines the drawing backend to use. Defaults to :data:`BACKEND`. vertex_size : float Size of circle representing each node. plot_name : str name of the plot save_as : str Whether to save the plot as save_as.png and save_as.pdf. Shown in a window if None (default). Only available with the matplotlib backend. ax : matplotlib.axes Axes where to draw the graph. Optional, created if not passed. Only available with the matplotlib backend. Examples -------- >>> from pygsp import plotting >>> G = graphs.Logo() >>> plotting.plot_graph(G) """ if not hasattr(G, 'coords'): raise AttributeError('Graph has no coordinate set. ' 'Please run G.set_coordinates() first.') if (G.coords.ndim != 2) or (G.coords.shape[1] not in [2, 3]): raise AttributeError('Coordinates should be in 2D or 3D space.') kwargs['show_edges'] = kwargs.pop('show_edges', G.Ne < 10e3) default = G.plotting['vertex_size'] kwargs['vertex_size'] = kwargs.pop('vertex_size', default) plot_name = u'{}\nG.N={} nodes, G.Ne={} edges'.format(G.gtype, G.N, G.Ne) kwargs['plot_name'] = kwargs.pop('plot_name', plot_name) if backend is None: backend = BACKEND G = _handle_directed(G) if backend == 'pyqtgraph' and _QTG_IMPORT: _qtg_plot_graph(G, **kwargs) elif backend == 'matplotlib' and _PLT_IMPORT: _plt_plot_graph(G, **kwargs) else: raise ValueError('The {} backend is not available.'.format(backend))
@_plt_handle_figure def _plt_plot_graph(G, show_edges, vertex_size, ax): # TODO handling when G is a list of graphs # TODO integrate param when G is a clustered graph if show_edges: if G.is_directed(): raise NotImplementedError else: if G.coords.shape[1] == 2: x, y = _get_coords(G) ax.plot(x, y, linewidth=G.plotting['edge_width'], color=G.plotting['edge_color'], linestyle=G.plotting['edge_style'], marker='o', markersize=vertex_size/10, markerfacecolor=G.plotting['vertex_color'], markeredgecolor=G.plotting['vertex_color']) if G.coords.shape[1] == 3: # TODO: very dirty. Cannot we prepare a set of lines? x, y, z = _get_coords(G) for i in range(0, x.size, 2): x2, y2, z2 = x[i:i+2], y[i:i+2], z[i:i+2] ax.plot(x2, y2, z2, linewidth=G.plotting['edge_width'], color=G.plotting['edge_color'], linestyle=G.plotting['edge_style'], marker='o', markersize=vertex_size/10, markerfacecolor=G.plotting['vertex_color'], markeredgecolor=G.plotting['vertex_color']) else: # TODO: is ax.plot(G.coords[:, 0], G.coords[:, 1], 'bo') faster? if G.coords.shape[1] == 2: ax.scatter(G.coords[:, 0], G.coords[:, 1], marker='o', s=vertex_size, c=G.plotting['vertex_color']) if G.coords.shape[1] == 3: ax.scatter(G.coords[:, 0], G.coords[:, 1], G.coords[:, 2], marker='o', s=vertex_size, c=G.plotting['vertex_color']) if G.coords.shape[1] == 3: try: ax.view_init(elev=G.plotting['elevation'], azim=G.plotting['azimuth']) ax.dist = G.plotting['distance'] except KeyError: pass def _qtg_plot_graph(G, show_edges, vertex_size, plot_name): # TODO handling when G is a list of graphs if G.is_directed(): raise NotImplementedError else: if G.coords.shape[1] == 2: window = qtg.GraphicsWindow() window.setWindowTitle(plot_name) view = window.addViewBox() view.setAspectLocked() if show_edges: pen = tuple(np.array(G.plotting['edge_color']) * 255) else: pen = None adj = _get_coords(G, edge_list=True) g = qtg.GraphItem(pos=G.coords, adj=adj, pen=pen, size=vertex_size/10) view.addItem(g) global _qtg_windows _qtg_windows.append(window) elif G.coords.shape[1] == 3: if not QtGui.QApplication.instance(): QtGui.QApplication([]) # We want only one application. widget = gl.GLViewWidget() widget.opts['distance'] = 10 widget.setWindowTitle(plot_name) if show_edges: x, y, z = _get_coords(G) pos = np.stack((x, y, z), axis=1) g = gl.GLLinePlotItem(pos=pos, mode='lines', color=G.plotting['edge_color']) widget.addItem(g) gp = gl.GLScatterPlotItem(pos=G.coords, size=vertex_size/3, color=G.plotting['vertex_color']) widget.addItem(gp) global _qtg_widgets _qtg_widgets.append(widget)
[docs]@_plt_handle_figure def plot_filter(filters, npoints=1000, line_width=4, x_width=3, x_size=10, plot_eigenvalues=None, show_sum=None, ax=None): r""" Plot the spectral response of a filter bank, a set of graph filters. Parameters ---------- filters : Filter Filter bank to plot. npoints : int Number of point where the filters are evaluated. line_width : int Width of the filters plots. x_width : int Width of the X marks representing the eigenvalues. x_size : int Size of the X marks representing the eigenvalues. plot_eigenvalues : boolean To plot black X marks at all eigenvalues of the graph. You need to compute the Fourier basis to use this option. By default the eigenvalues are plot if they are contained in the Graph. show_sum : boolean To plot an extra line showing the sum of the squared magnitudes of the filters (default True if there is multiple filters). plot_name : string name of the plot save_as : str Whether to save the plot as save_as.png and save_as.pdf. Shown in a window if None (default). Only available with the matplotlib backend. ax : matplotlib.axes Axes where to draw the graph. Optional, created if not passed. Only available with the matplotlib backend. Examples -------- >>> from pygsp import plotting >>> G = graphs.Logo() >>> mh = filters.MexicanHat(G) >>> plotting.plot_filter(mh) """ G = filters.G if plot_eigenvalues is None: plot_eigenvalues = hasattr(G, '_e') if show_sum is None: show_sum = filters.Nf > 1 if plot_eigenvalues: for e in G.e: ax.axvline(x=e, color=[0.9]*3, linewidth=1) x = np.linspace(0, G.lmax, npoints) y = filters.evaluate(x).T ax.plot(x, y, linewidth=line_width) # TODO: plot highlighted eigenvalues if show_sum: ax.plot(x, np.sum(y**2, 1), 'k', linewidth=line_width) ax.set_xlabel("$\lambda$: laplacian's eigenvalues / graph frequencies") ax.set_ylabel('$\hat{g}(\lambda)$: filter response')
[docs]def plot_signal(G, signal, backend=None, **kwargs): r""" Plot a signal on top of a graph. Parameters ---------- G : Graph Graph to plot a signal on top. signal : array of int Signal to plot. Signal length should be equal to the number of nodes. show_edges : bool True to draw edges, false to only draw vertices. Default True if less than 10,000 edges to draw. Note that drawing a large number of edges might be particularly slow. cp : list of int NOT IMPLEMENTED. Camera position when plotting a 3D graph. vertex_size : float Size of circle representing each node. highlight : iterable List of indices of vertices to be highlighted. Useful to e.g. show where a filter was localized. Only available with the matplotlib backend. colorbar : bool Whether to plot a colorbar indicating the signal's amplitude. Only available with the matplotlib backend. limits : [vmin, vmax] Maps colors from vmin to vmax. Defaults to signal minimum and maximum value. Only available with the matplotlib backend. bar : boolean NOT IMPLEMENTED. Signal values are displayed using colors when False, and bars when True (default False). bar_width : int NOT IMPLEMENTED. Width of the bar (default 1). backend: {'matplotlib', 'pyqtgraph'} Defines the drawing backend to use. Defaults to :data:`BACKEND`. plot_name : string Name of the plot. save_as : str Whether to save the plot as save_as.png and save_as.pdf. Shown in a window if None (default). Only available with the matplotlib backend. ax : matplotlib.axes Axes where to draw the graph. Optional, created if not passed. Only available with the matplotlib backend. Examples -------- >>> from pygsp import plotting >>> G = graphs.Grid2d(4) >>> signal = np.sin((np.arange(16) * 2*np.pi/16)) >>> plotting.plot_signal(G, signal) """ if not hasattr(G, 'coords'): raise AttributeError('Graph has no coordinate set. ' 'Please run G.set_coordinates() first.') check_2d_3d = (G.coords.ndim != 2) or (G.coords.shape[1] not in [2, 3]) if G.coords.ndim != 1 and check_2d_3d: raise AttributeError('Coordinates should be in 1D, 2D or 3D space.') signal = signal.squeeze() if G.coords.ndim == 2 and signal.ndim != 1: raise ValueError('Can plot only one signal (not {}) with {}D ' 'coordinates.'.format(signal.shape[1], G.coords.shape[1])) if signal.shape[0] != G.N: raise ValueError('Signal length is {}, should be ' 'G.N = {}.'.format(signal.shape[0], G.N)) if np.sum(np.abs(signal.imag)) > 1e-10: raise ValueError("Can't display complex signal.") kwargs['show_edges'] = kwargs.pop('show_edges', G.Ne < 10e3) default = G.plotting['vertex_size'] kwargs['vertex_size'] = kwargs.pop('vertex_size', default) plot_name = u'{}\nG.N={} nodes, G.Ne={} edges'.format(G.gtype, G.N, G.Ne) kwargs['plot_name'] = kwargs.pop('plot_name', plot_name) limits = [1.05*signal.min(), 1.05*signal.max()] kwargs['limits'] = kwargs.pop('limits', limits) if backend is None: backend = BACKEND G = _handle_directed(G) if backend == 'pyqtgraph' and _QTG_IMPORT: _qtg_plot_signal(G, signal, **kwargs) elif backend == 'matplotlib' and _PLT_IMPORT: _plt_plot_signal(G, signal, **kwargs) else: raise ValueError('The {} backend is not available.'.format(backend))
@_plt_handle_figure def _plt_plot_signal(G, signal, show_edges, limits, ax, vertex_size, highlight=[], colorbar=True): if show_edges: if G.is_directed(): raise NotImplementedError else: if G.coords.ndim == 1: pass elif G.coords.shape[1] == 2: x, y = _get_coords(G) ax.plot(x, y, linewidth=G.plotting['edge_width'], color=G.plotting['edge_color'], linestyle=G.plotting['edge_style'], zorder=1) elif G.coords.shape[1] == 3: # TODO: very dirty. Cannot we prepare a set of lines? x, y, z = _get_coords(G) for i in range(0, x.size, 2): x2, y2, z2 = x[i:i+2], y[i:i+2], z[i:i+2] ax.plot(x2, y2, z2, linewidth=G.plotting['edge_width'], color=G.plotting['edge_color'], linestyle=G.plotting['edge_style'], zorder=1) try: iter(highlight) except TypeError: highlight = [highlight] coords_hl = G.coords[highlight] if G.coords.ndim == 1: ax.plot(G.coords, signal) ax.set_ylim(limits) for coord_hl in coords_hl: ax.axvline(x=coord_hl, color='C1', linewidth=2) elif G.coords.shape[1] == 2: sc = ax.scatter(G.coords[:, 0], G.coords[:, 1], s=vertex_size, c=signal, zorder=2, vmin=limits[0], vmax=limits[1]) ax.scatter(coords_hl[:, 0], coords_hl[:, 1], s=2*vertex_size, zorder=3, marker='o', c='None', edgecolors='C1', linewidths=2) elif G.coords.shape[1] == 3: sc = ax.scatter(G.coords[:, 0], G.coords[:, 1], G.coords[:, 2], s=vertex_size, c=signal, zorder=2, vmin=limits[0], vmax=limits[1]) ax.scatter(coords_hl[:, 0], coords_hl[:, 1], coords_hl[:, 2], s=2*vertex_size, zorder=3, marker='o', c='None', edgecolors='C1', linewidths=2) try: ax.view_init(elev=G.plotting['elevation'], azim=G.plotting['azimuth']) ax.dist = G.plotting['distance'] except KeyError: pass if G.coords.ndim != 1 and colorbar: plt.colorbar(sc, ax=ax) def _qtg_plot_signal(G, signal, show_edges, plot_name, vertex_size, limits): if G.coords.shape[1] == 2: window = qtg.GraphicsWindow(plot_name) view = window.addViewBox() elif G.coords.shape[1] == 3: if not QtGui.QApplication.instance(): QtGui.QApplication([]) # We want only one application. widget = gl.GLViewWidget() widget.opts['distance'] = 10 widget.setWindowTitle(plot_name) if show_edges: if G.is_directed(): raise NotImplementedError else: if G.coords.shape[1] == 2: adj = _get_coords(G, edge_list=True) pen = tuple(np.array(G.plotting['edge_color']) * 255) g = qtg.GraphItem(pos=G.coords, adj=adj, symbolBrush=None, symbolPen=None, pen=pen) view.addItem(g) elif G.coords.shape[1] == 3: x, y, z = _get_coords(G) pos = np.stack((x, y, z), axis=1) g = gl.GLLinePlotItem(pos=pos, mode='lines', color=G.plotting['edge_color']) widget.addItem(g) pos = [1, 8, 24, 40, 56, 64] color = np.array([[0, 0, 143, 255], [0, 0, 255, 255], [0, 255, 255, 255], [255, 255, 0, 255], [255, 0, 0, 255], [128, 0, 0, 255]]) cmap = qtg.ColorMap(pos, color) signal = 1 + 63 * (signal - limits[0]) / limits[1] - limits[0] if G.coords.shape[1] == 2: gp = qtg.ScatterPlotItem(G.coords[:, 0], G.coords[:, 1], size=vertex_size/10,, 'qcolor')) view.addItem(gp) if G.coords.shape[1] == 3: gp = gl.GLScatterPlotItem(pos=G.coords, size=vertex_size/3,, 'float')) widget.addItem(gp) if G.coords.shape[1] == 2: global _qtg_windows _qtg_windows.append(window) elif G.coords.shape[1] == 3: global _qtg_widgets _qtg_widgets.append(widget)
[docs]def plot_spectrogram(G, node_idx=None): r""" Plot the spectrogram of the given graph. Parameters ---------- G : Graph Graph to analyse. node_idx : ndarray Order to sort the nodes in the spectrogram Examples -------- >>> from pygsp import plotting >>> G = graphs.Ring(15) >>> plotting.plot_spectrogram(G) """ from pygsp import features if not _QTG_IMPORT: raise NotImplementedError('You need pyqtgraph to plot the spectrogram ' 'at the moment. Please install and retry.') if not hasattr(G, 'spectr'): features.compute_spectrogram(G) M = G.spectr.shape[1] spectr = G.spectr[node_idx, :] if node_idx is not None else G.spectr spectr = np.ravel(spectr) min_spec, max_spec = spectr.min(), spectr.max() pos = np.array([0., 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1.]) color = [[20, 133, 212, 255], [53, 42, 135, 255], [48, 174, 170, 255], [210, 184, 87, 255], [249, 251, 14, 255]] color = np.array(color, dtype=np.ubyte) cmap = qtg.ColorMap(pos, color) spectr = (spectr.astype(float) - min_spec) / (max_spec - min_spec) w = qtg.GraphicsWindow() w.setWindowTitle("Spectrogram of {}".format(G.gtype)) label = 'frequencies {}:{:.2f}:{:.2f}'.format(0, G.lmax/M, G.lmax) v = w.addPlot(labels={'bottom': 'nodes', 'left': label}) v.setAspectLocked() spi = qtg.ScatterPlotItem(np.repeat(np.arange(G.N), M), np.ravel(np.tile(np.arange(M), (1, G.N))), pxMode=False, symbol='s', size=1,, 'qcolor')) v.addItem(spi) global _qtg_windows _qtg_windows.append(w)
def _get_coords(G, edge_list=False): v_in, v_out, _ = G.get_edge_list() if edge_list: return np.stack((v_in, v_out), axis=1) coords = [np.stack((G.coords[v_in, d], G.coords[v_out, d]), axis=0) for d in range(G.coords.shape[1])] if G.coords.shape[1] == 2: return coords elif G.coords.shape[1] == 3: return [coord.reshape(-1, order='F') for coord in coords] def _handle_directed(G): # FIXME: plot edge direction. For now we just symmetrize the weight matrix. if not G.is_directed(): return G else: from pygsp import graphs G2 = graphs.Graph(utils.symmetrize(G.W)) G2.coords = G.coords G2.plotting = G.plotting return G2