Source code for pygsp.filters.filter

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import numpy as np

from pygsp import utils
# prevent circular import in Python < 3.5
from . import approximations

_logger = utils.build_logger(__name__)

[docs]class Filter(object): r""" The base Filter class. * Provide a common interface (and implementation) to filter objects. * Can be instantiated to construct custom filters from functions. * Initialize attributes for derived classes. Parameters ---------- G : graph The graph to which the filter bank is tailored. kernels : function or list of functions A (list of) function(s) defining the filter bank in the Fourier domain. One function per filter. Attributes ---------- G : Graph The graph to which the filter bank was tailored. It is a reference to the graph passed when instantiating the class. kernels : function or list of functions A (list of) function defining the filter bank. One function per filter. Either passed by the user when instantiating the base class, either constructed by the derived classes. Nf : int Number of filters in the filter bank. Examples -------- >>> >>> G = graphs.Logo() >>> my_filter = filters.Filter(G, lambda x: x / (1. + x)) >>> >>> # Signal: Kronecker delta. >>> signal = np.zeros(G.N) >>> signal[42] = 1 >>> >>> filtered_signal = my_filter.filter(signal) """ def __init__(self, G, kernels): self.G = G try: iter(kernels) except TypeError: kernels = [kernels] self._kernels = kernels self.Nf = len(kernels)
[docs] def evaluate(self, x): r"""Evaluate the kernels at given frequencies. Parameters ---------- x : ndarray Graph frequencies at which to evaluate the filter. Returns ------- y : ndarray Frequency response of the filters. Shape ``(G.Nf, len(x))``. Examples -------- Frequency response of a low-pass filter: >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> G = graphs.Logo() >>> G.compute_fourier_basis() >>> f = filters.Expwin(G) >>> G.compute_fourier_basis() >>> y = f.evaluate(G.e) >>> plt.plot(G.e, y[0]) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS [<matplotlib.lines.Line2D object at ...>] """ # Avoid to copy data as with np.array([g(x) for g in self._kernels]). y = np.empty((self.Nf, len(x))) for i, g in enumerate(self._kernels): y[i] = g(x) return y
[docs] def filter(self, s, method='chebyshev', order=30): r"""Filter signals (analysis or synthesis). A signal is defined as a rank-3 tensor of shape ``(N_NODES, N_SIGNALS, N_FEATURES)``, where ``N_NODES`` is the number of nodes in the graph, ``N_SIGNALS`` is the number of independent signals, and ``N_FEATURES`` is the number of features which compose a graph signal, or the dimensionality of a graph signal. For example if you filter a signal with a filter bank of 8 filters, you're extracting 8 features and decomposing your signal into 8 parts. That is called analysis. Your are thus transforming your signal tensor from ``(G.N, 1, 1)`` to ``(G.N, 1, 8)``. Now you may want to combine back the features to form an unique signal. For this you apply again 8 filters, one filter per feature, and sum the result up. As such you're transforming your ``(G.N, 1, 8)`` tensor signal back to ``(G.N, 1, 1)``. That is known as synthesis. More generally, you may want to map a set of features to another, though that is not implemented yet. The method computes the transform coefficients of a signal :math:`s`, where the atoms of the transform dictionary are generalized translations of each graph spectral filter to each vertex on the graph: .. math:: c = D^* s, where the columns of :math:`D` are :math:`g_{i,m} = T_i g_m` and :math:`T_i` is a generalized translation operator applied to each filter :math:`\hat{g}_m(\cdot)`. Each column of :math:`c` is the response of the signal to one filter. In other words, this function is applying the analysis operator :math:`D^*`, respectively the synthesis operator :math:`D`, associated with the frame defined by the filter bank to the signals. Parameters ---------- s : ndarray Graph signals, a tensor of shape ``(N_NODES, N_SIGNALS, N_FEATURES)``, where ``N_NODES`` is the number of nodes in the graph, ``N_SIGNALS`` the number of independent signals you want to filter, and ``N_FEATURES`` is either 1 (analysis) or the number of filters in the filter bank (synthesis). method : {'exact', 'chebyshev'} Whether to use the exact method (via the graph Fourier transform) or the Chebyshev polynomial approximation. A Lanczos approximation is coming. order : int Degree of the Chebyshev polynomials. Returns ------- s : ndarray Graph signals, a tensor of shape ``(N_NODES, N_SIGNALS, N_FEATURES)``, where ``N_NODES`` and ``N_SIGNALS`` are the number of nodes and signals of the signal tensor that pas passed in, and ``N_FEATURES`` is either 1 (synthesis) or the number of filters in the filter bank (analysis). References ---------- See :cite:`hammond2011wavelets` for details on filtering graph signals. Examples -------- Create a bunch of smooth signals by low-pass filtering white noise: >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> G = graphs.Ring(N=60) >>> G.estimate_lmax() >>> s = np.random.RandomState(42).uniform(size=(G.N, 10)) >>> taus = [1, 10, 100] >>> s = filters.Heat(G, taus).filter(s) >>> s.shape (60, 10, 3) Plot the 3 smoothed versions of the 10th signal: >>> fig, ax = plt.subplots() >>> G.set_coordinates('line1D') # To visualize multiple signals in 1D. >>> G.plot_signal(s[:, 9, :], ax=ax) >>> legend = [r'$\tau={}$'.format(t) for t in taus] >>> ax.legend(legend) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS <matplotlib.legend.Legend object at ...> Low-pass filter a delta to create a localized smooth signal: >>> G = graphs.Sensor(30, seed=42) >>> G.compute_fourier_basis() # Reproducible computation of lmax. >>> s1 = np.zeros(G.N) >>> s1[13] = 1 >>> s1 = filters.Heat(G, 3).filter(s1) >>> s1.shape (30,) Filter and reconstruct our signal: >>> g = filters.MexicanHat(G, Nf=4) >>> s2 = g.analyze(s1) >>> s2.shape (30, 4) >>> s2 = g.synthesize(s2) >>> s2.shape (30,) Look how well we were able to reconstruct: >>> fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 2) >>> G.plot_signal(s1, ax=axes[0]) >>> G.plot_signal(s2, ax=axes[1]) >>> print('{:.5f}'.format(np.linalg.norm(s1 - s2))) 0.29620 Perfect reconstruction with Itersine, a tight frame: >>> g = filters.Itersine(G) >>> s2 = g.analyze(s1, method='exact') >>> s2 = g.synthesize(s2, method='exact') >>> np.linalg.norm(s1 - s2) < 1e-10 True """ if s.shape[0] != self.G.N: raise ValueError('First dimension should be the number of nodes ' 'G.N = {}, got {}.'.format(self.G.N, s.shape)) # TODO: not in self.Nin (Nf = Nin x Nout). if s.ndim == 1 or s.shape[-1] not in [1, self.Nf]: if s.ndim == 3: raise ValueError('Third dimension (#features) should be ' 'either 1 or the number of filters Nf = {}, ' 'got {}.'.format(self.Nf, s.shape)) s = np.expand_dims(s, -1) n_features_in = s.shape[-1] if s.ndim < 3: s = np.expand_dims(s, 1) n_signals = s.shape[1] if s.ndim > 3: raise ValueError('At most 3 dimensions: ' '#nodes x #signals x #features.') assert s.ndim == 3 # TODO: generalize to 2D (m --> n) filter banks. # Only 1 --> Nf (analysis) and Nf --> 1 (synthesis) for now. n_features_out = self.Nf if n_features_in == 1 else 1 if method == 'exact': # TODO: will be handled by g.adjoint(). axis = 1 if n_features_in == 1 else 2 f = self.evaluate(self.G.e) f = np.expand_dims(f.T, axis) assert f.shape == (self.G.N, n_features_in, n_features_out) s = self.G.gft(s) s = np.matmul(s, f) s = self.G.igft(s) elif method == 'chebyshev': # TODO: update Chebyshev implementation (after 2D filter banks). c = approximations.compute_cheby_coeff(self, m=order) if n_features_in == 1: # Analysis. s = s.squeeze(axis=2) s = approximations.cheby_op(self.G, c, s) s = s.reshape((self.G.N, n_features_out, n_signals), order='F') s = s.swapaxes(1, 2) elif n_features_in == self.Nf: # Synthesis. s = s.swapaxes(1, 2) s_in = s.reshape( (self.G.N * n_features_in, n_signals), order='F') s = np.zeros((self.G.N, n_signals)) tmpN = np.arange(self.G.N, dtype=int) for i in range(n_features_in): s += approximations.cheby_op(self.G, c[i], s_in[i * self.G.N + tmpN]) s = np.expand_dims(s, 2) else: raise ValueError('Unknown method {}.'.format(method)) # Return a 1D signal if e.g. a 1D signal was filtered by one filter. return s.squeeze()
[docs] def analyze(self, s, method='chebyshev', order=30): r"""Convenience alias to :meth:`filter`.""" if s.ndim == 3 and s.shape[-1] != 1: raise ValueError('Last dimension (#features) should be ' '1, got {}.'.format(s.shape)) return self.filter(s, method, order)
[docs] def synthesize(self, s, method='chebyshev', order=30): r"""Convenience wrapper around :meth:`filter`. Will be an alias to `adjoint().filter()` in the future. """ if s.shape[-1] != self.Nf: raise ValueError('Last dimension (#features) should be the number ' 'of filters Nf = {}, got {}.'.format(self.Nf, s.shape)) return self.filter(s, method, order)
[docs] def localize(self, i, **kwargs): r"""Localize the kernels at a node (to visualize them). That is particularly useful to visualize a filter in the vertex domain. A kernel is localized by filtering a Kronecker delta, i.e. .. math:: g(L) s = g(L)_i, \text{ where } s_j = \delta_{ij} = \begin{cases} 0 \text{ if } i \neq j \\ 1 \text{ if } i = j \end{cases} Parameters ---------- i : int Index of the node where to localize the kernel. kwargs: dict Parameters to be passed to the :meth:`analysis` method. Returns ------- s : ndarray Kernel localized at vertex i. Examples -------- Visualize heat diffusion on a grid by localizing the heat kernel. >>> import matplotlib >>> N = 20 >>> DELTA = N//2 * (N+1) >>> G = graphs.Grid2d(N) >>> G.estimate_lmax() >>> g = filters.Heat(G, 100) >>> s = g.localize(DELTA) >>> G.plot_signal(s, highlight=DELTA) """ s = np.zeros(self.G.N) s[i] = 1 return np.sqrt(self.G.N) * self.filter(s, **kwargs)
[docs] def estimate_frame_bounds(self, min=0, max=None, N=1000, use_eigenvalues=False): r"""Estimate lower and upper frame bounds. The frame bounds are estimated using the vector :code:`np.linspace(min, max, N)` with min=0 and max=G.lmax by default. The eigenvalues G.e can be used instead if you set use_eigenvalues to True. Parameters ---------- min : float The lowest value the filter bank is evaluated at. By default filtering is bounded by the eigenvalues of G, i.e. min = 0. max : float The largest value the filter bank is evaluated at. By default filtering is bounded by the eigenvalues of G, i.e. max = G.lmax. N : int Number of points where the filter bank is evaluated. Default is 1000. use_eigenvalues : bool Set to True to use the Laplacian eigenvalues instead. Returns ------- A : float Lower frame bound of the filter bank. B : float Upper frame bound of the filter bank. Examples -------- >>> G = graphs.Logo() >>> G.estimate_lmax() >>> f = filters.MexicanHat(G) Bad estimation: >>> A, B = f.estimate_frame_bounds(min=1, max=20, N=100) >>> print('A={:.3f}, B={:.3f}'.format(A, B)) A=0.126, B=0.270 Better estimation: >>> A, B = f.estimate_frame_bounds() >>> print('A={:.3f}, B={:.3f}'.format(A, B)) A=0.177, B=0.270 Best estimation: >>> G.compute_fourier_basis() >>> A, B = f.estimate_frame_bounds(use_eigenvalues=True) >>> print('A={:.3f}, B={:.3f}'.format(A, B)) A=0.178, B=0.270 The Itersine filter bank defines a tight frame: >>> f = filters.Itersine(G) >>> A, B = f.estimate_frame_bounds(use_eigenvalues=True) >>> print('A={:.3f}, B={:.3f}'.format(A, B)) A=1.000, B=1.000 """ if max is None: max = self.G.lmax if use_eigenvalues: x = self.G.e else: x = np.linspace(min, max, N) sum_filters = np.sum(np.abs(self.evaluate(x)**2), axis=0) return sum_filters.min(), sum_filters.max()
[docs] def compute_frame(self, **kwargs): r"""Compute the associated frame. The size of the returned matrix operator :math:`D` is N x MN, where M is the number of filters and N the number of nodes. Multiplying this matrix with a set of signals is equivalent to analyzing them with the associated filterbank. Though computing this matrix is a rather inefficient way of doing it. The frame is defined as follows: .. math:: g_i(L) = U g_i(\Lambda) U^*, where :math:`g` is the filter kernel, :math:`L` is the graph Laplacian, :math:`\Lambda` is a diagonal matrix of the Laplacian's eigenvalues, and :math:`U` is the Fourier basis, i.e. its columns are the eigenvectors of the Laplacian. Parameters ---------- kwargs: dict Parameters to be passed to the :meth:`analysis` method. Returns ------- frame : ndarray Matrix of size N x MN. See also -------- filter: more efficient way to filter signals Examples -------- Filtering signals as a matrix multiplication. >>> G = graphs.Sensor(N=1000, seed=42) >>> G.estimate_lmax() >>> f = filters.MexicanHat(G, Nf=6) >>> s = np.random.uniform(size=G.N) >>> >>> frame = f.compute_frame() >>> frame.shape (1000, 1000, 6) >>> frame = frame.reshape(G.N, -1).T >>> s1 =, s) >>> s1 = s1.reshape(G.N, -1) >>> >>> s2 = f.filter(s) >>> np.all((s1 - s2) < 1e-10) True """ if self.G.N > 2000: _logger.warning('Creating a big matrix, you can use other means.') # Filter one delta per vertex. s = np.identity(self.G.N) return self.filter(s, **kwargs)
[docs] def can_dual(self): r"""Creates a dual graph form a given graph""" def can_dual_func(g, n, x): # Nshape = np.shape(x) x = np.ravel(x) N = np.shape(x)[0] M = g.Nf gcoeff = g.evaluate(x).T s = np.zeros((N, M)) for i in range(N): s[i] = np.linalg.pinv(np.expand_dims(gcoeff[i], axis=1)) ret = s[:, n] return ret kernels = [] for i in range(self.Nf): kernels.append(lambda x, i=i: can_dual_func(self, i, x)) return Filter(self.G, kernels)
[docs] def plot(self, **kwargs): r"""Plot the filter bank's frequency response. See :func:`pygsp.plotting.plot_filter`. """ from pygsp import plotting plotting.plot_filter(self, **kwargs)