Source code for pygsp.operators.vertex_frequency_analysis

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from pygsp import data_handling
from pygsp.operators import operator
from pygsp.utils import build_logger

import numpy as np

logger = build_logger(__name__)

[docs]def generalized_wft(G, g, f, lowmemory=True): r""" Graph windowed Fourier transform Parameters ---------- G : Graph g : ndarray or Filter Window (graph signal or kernel) f : ndarray Graph signal lowmemory : bool use less memory (default=True) Returns ------- C : ndarray Coefficients """ Nf = np.shape(f)[1] if not hasattr(G, 'U'):'Analysis filter has to compute the eigenvalues and the eigenvectors.') G.compute_fourier_basis() if isinstance(g, list): g = operator.igft(G, g[0](G.e)) elif hasattr(g, '__call__'): g = operator.igft(G, g(G.e)) if not lowmemory: # Compute the Frame into a big matrix Frame = gwft_frame_matrix(G, g) C =, f) C = np.reshape(C, (G.N, G.N, Nf), order='F') else: # Compute the translate of g ghat =, g) Ftrans = np.sqrt(G.N) *, (np.kron(np.ones((G.N)), ghat)*G.U.T)) C = np.zeros((G.N, G.N)) for j in range(Nf): for i in range(G.N): C[:, i, j] = (np.kron(np.ones((G.N)), 1./G.U[:, 0])*G.U*, Ftrans[:, i])).T, f[:, j]) return C
[docs]def gabor_wft(G, f, k): r""" Graph windowed Fourier transform Parameters ---------- G : Graph f : ndarray Graph signal k : #TODO kernel Returns ------- C : Coefficient. """ from pygsp.filters import Gabor if not hasattr(G, 'e'):'analysis filter has to compute the eigenvalues and the eigenvectors.') G.compute_fourier_basis() g = Gabor(G, k) C = g.analysis(f) C = data_handling.vec2mat(C, G.N).T return C
[docs]def gwft_frame_matrix(G, g): r""" Create the matrix of the GWFT frame Parameters ---------- G : Graph g : window Returns ------- F : ndarray Frame """ if G.N > 256: logger.warning("It will create a big matrix. You can use other methods.") ghat =, g) Ftrans = np.sqrt(G.N)*, (np.kron(np.ones((1, G.N)), ghat)*G.U.T)) F = data_handling.repmatline(Ftrans, 1, G.N)*np.kron(np.ones((G.N)), np.kron(np.ones((G.N)), 1./G.U[:, 0])) return F
[docs]def ngwft(G, f, g, lowmemory=True): r""" Normalized graph windowed Fourier transform Parameters ---------- G : Graph f : ndarray Graph signal g : ndarray Window lowmemory : bool Use less memory. (default = True) Returns ------- C : ndarray Coefficients """ if not hasattr(G, 'U'):'analysis filter has to compute the eigenvalues and the eigenvectors.') G.compute_fourier_basis() if lowmemory: # Compute the Frame into a big matrix Frame = ngwft_frame_matrix(G, g) C =, f) C = np.reshape(C, (G.N, G.N), order='F') else: # Compute the translate of g ghat =, g) Ftrans = np.sqrt(G.N)*, (np.kron(np.ones((1, G.N)), ghat)*G.U.T)) C = np.zeros((G.N, G.N)) for i in range(G.N): atoms = np.kron(np.ones((G.N)), 1./G.U[:, 0])*G.U*np.kron(np.ones((G.N)), Ftrans[:, i]).T # normalization atoms /= np.kron((np.ones((G.N))), np.sqrt(np.sum(np.abs(atoms), axis=0))) C[:, i] =, f) return C
[docs]def ngwft_frame_matrix(G, g): r""" Create the matrix of the GWFT frame Parameters ---------- G : Graph g : ndarray Window Output parameters: F : ndarray Frame """ if G.N > 256: logger.warning('It will create a big matrix, you can use other methods.') ghat =, g) Ftrans = np.sqrt(g.N)*, (np.kron(np.ones((G.N)), ghat)*G.U.T)) F = data_handling.repmatline(Ftrans, 1, G.N)*np.kron(np.ones((G.N)), np.kron(np.ones((G.N)), 1./G.U[:, 0])) # Normalization F /= np.kron((np.ones((G.N)), np.sqrt(np.sum(np.power(np.abs(F), 2), axiis=0)))) return F