Source code for pygsp.operators.fast_filtering

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from pygsp.utils import filterbank_handler, build_logger

import numpy as np
import scipy as sp

logger = build_logger(__name__)

def compute_cheby_coeff(f, m=30, N=None, *args, **kwargs):
    Compute Chebyshev coefficients for a Filterbank.

    f : Filter
        Filterbank with at least 1 filter
    m : int
        Maximum order of Chebyshev coeff to compute (default = 30)
    N : int
        Grid order used to compute quadrature (default = m + 1)
    i : int
        Index of the Filterbank element to compute (default = 0)

    c : ndarray
        Matrix of Chebyshev coefficients

    G = f.G
    i = kwargs.pop('i', 0)

    if not N:
        N = m + 1

    if not hasattr(G, 'lmax'):'The variable lmax has not been computed yet, it will be done now.')

    a_arange = [0, G.lmax]

    a1 = (a_arange[1] - a_arange[0]) / 2
    a2 = (a_arange[1] + a_arange[0]) / 2
    c = np.zeros(m + 1)

    tmpN = np.arange(N)
    num = np.cos(np.pi * (tmpN + 0.5) / N)
    for o in range(m + 1):
        c[o] = 2. / N *[i](a1 * num + a2),
                                  np.cos(np.pi * o * (tmpN + 0.5) / N))

    return c

[docs]def cheby_op(G, c, signal, **kwargs): r""" Chebyshev polynomial of graph Laplacian applied to vector. Parameters ---------- G : Graph c : ndarray or list of ndarrays Chebyshev coefficients for a Filter or a Filterbank signal : ndarray Signal to filter Returns ------- r : ndarray Result of the filtering """ # Handle if we do not have a list of filters but only a simple filter in cheby_coeff. if not isinstance(c, np.ndarray): c = np.array(c) c = np.atleast_2d(c) Nscales, M = c.shape if M < 2: raise TypeError("The coefficients have an invalid shape") if not hasattr(G, 'lmax'):'The variable lmax has not been computed yet, it will be done now.') G.estimate_lmax() # thanks to that, we can also have 1d signal. try: Nv = np.shape(signal)[1] r = np.zeros((G.N * Nscales, Nv)) except IndexError: r = np.zeros((G.N * Nscales)) a_arange = [0, G.lmax] a1 = float(a_arange[1] - a_arange[0]) / 2. a2 = float(a_arange[1] + a_arange[0]) / 2. twf_old = signal twf_cur = ( - a2 * signal) / a1 tmpN = np.arange(G.N, dtype=int) for i in range(Nscales): r[tmpN + G.N*i] = 0.5 * c[i, 0] * twf_old + c[i, 1] * twf_cur factor = 2/a1 * (G.L - a2 * sp.sparse.eye(G.N)) for k in range(2, M): twf_new = - twf_old for i in range(Nscales): r[tmpN + G.N*i] += c[i, k] * twf_new twf_old = twf_cur twf_cur = twf_new return r
def cheby_rect(G, bounds, signal, **kwargs): r""" Fast filtering using Chebyshev polynomial for a perfect rectangle filter. Parameters ---------- G : Graph bounds : array-like The bounds of the pass-band filter signal : array-like Signal to filter order : int (optional) Order of the Chebyshev polynomial (default: 30) Returns ------- r : array-like Result of the filtering """ if not (isinstance(bounds, (list, np.ndarray)) and len(bounds) == 2): raise ValueError('Bounds of wrong shape.') bounds = np.array(bounds) if not hasattr(G, 'lmax'):'The variable lmax has not been computed yet, it will be done now.') G.estimate_lmax() m = int(kwargs.pop('order', 30) + 1) try: Nv = np.shape(signal)[1] r = np.zeros((G.N, Nv)) except IndexError: r = np.zeros((G.N)) b1, b2 = np.arccos(2. * bounds / G.lmax - 1.) factor = 4./G.lmax * G.L - 2.*sp.sparse.eye(G.N) T_old = signal T_cur = / 2. r = (b1 - b2)/np.pi * signal + 2./np.pi * (np.sin(b1) - np.sin(b2)) * T_cur for k in range(2, m): T_new = - T_old r += 2./(k*np.pi) * (np.sin(k*b1) - np.sin(k*b2)) * T_new T_old = T_cur T_cur = T_new return r def lanczos_op(fi, s, order=30): r""" Perform the lanczos approximation of the signal s. Parameters ---------- fi: Filter s : ndarray Signal to approximate. order : int Degree of the lanczos approximation. (default = 30) Returns ------- L : ndarray lanczos approximation of s """ G = fi.G Nf = len(fi.g) try: Nv = np.shape(s)[1] is2d = True c = np.zeros((G.N*Nf, Nv)) except IndexError: Nv = 1 is2d = False c = np.zeros((G.N*Nf)) tmpN = np.arange(G.N, dtype=int) for j in range(Nv): if is2d: V, H, _ = lanczos(G.L.toarray(), order, s[:, j]) else: V, H, _ = lanczos(G.L.toarray(), order, s) Eh, Uh = np.linalg.eig(H) Eh[Eh < 0] = 0 fie = fi.evaluate(Eh) V =, Uh) for i in range(Nf): if is2d: c[tmpN + i*G.N, j] =, fie[:][i] *, s[:, j])) else: c[tmpN + i*G.N] =, fie[:][i] *, s)) return c def lanczos(A, order, x): try: N, M = np.shape(x) except ValueError: N = np.shape(x)[0] M = 1 x = x[:, np.newaxis] # normalization q = np.divide(x, np.kron(np.ones((N, 1)), np.linalg.norm(x, axis=0))) # initialization hiv = np.arange(0, order*M, order) V = np.zeros((N, M*order)) V[:, hiv] = q H = np.zeros((order + 1, M*order)) r =, q) H[0, hiv] = np.sum(q*r, axis=0) r -= np.kron(np.ones((N, 1)), H[0, hiv])*q H[1, hiv] = np.linalg.norm(r, axis=0) orth = np.zeros((order)) orth[0] = np.linalg.norm(, V) - M) for k in range(1, order): if np.sum(np.abs(H[k, hiv + k - 1])) <= np.spacing(1): H = H[:k - 1, _sum_ind(np.arange(k), hiv)] V = V[:, _sum_ind(np.arange(k), hiv)] orth = orth[:k] return V, H, orth H[k - 1, hiv + k] = H[k, hiv + k - 1] v = q q = r/np.tile(H[k - 1, k + hiv], (N, 1)) V[:, k + hiv] = q r =, q) r -= np.tile(H[k - 1, k + hiv], (N, 1))*v H[k, k + hiv] = np.sum(np.multiply(q, r), axis=0) r -= np.tile(H[k, k + hiv], (N, 1))*q # The next line has to be checked r -=,, r)) # full reorthogonalization H[k + 1, k + hiv] = np.linalg.norm(r, axis=0) orth[k] = np.linalg.norm(, V) - M) H = H[np.ix_(np.arange(order), np.arange(order))] return V, H, orth def _sum_ind(ind1, ind2): ind = np.tile(np.ravel(ind1), (np.size(ind2), 1)).T + np.ravel(ind2) return np.ravel(ind)