Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from . import Graph
from pygsp.utils import build_logger

from collections import Counter
from copy import deepcopy
import numpy as np
from scipy import sparse, spatial

[docs]class Community(Graph): r""" Create a community graph. Parameters ---------- N : int Number of nodes (default = 256) Nc : int (optional) Number of communities (default = :math:`round(\sqrt{N}/2)`) min_comm : int (optional) Minimum size of the communities (default = round(N/Nc/3)) min_deg : int (optional) Minimum degree of each node (default = 0, NOT IMPLEMENTED YET) comm_sizes : int (optional) Size of the communities (default = random) size_ratio : float (optional) Ratio between the radius of world and the radius of communities (default = 1) world_density : float (optional) Probability of a random edge between two different communities (default = 1/N) comm_density : float (optional) Probability of a random edge inside any community (default = None, not used if None) k_neigh : int (optional) Number of intra-community connections (default = None, not used if None or comm_density is defined) epsilon : float (optional) Max distance at which two nodes sharing a community are connected (default = :math:`sqrt(2\sqrt{N})/2`, not used if k_neigh or comm_density is defined) Examples -------- >>> from pygsp import graphs >>> G = graphs.Community() """ def __init__(self, N=256, **kwargs): # Parameter initialisation # N = int(N) Nc = int(kwargs.pop('Nc', int(round(np.sqrt(N)/2.)))) min_comm = int(kwargs.pop('min_comm', int(round(N / (3. * Nc))))) min_deg = int(kwargs.pop('min_deg', 0)) comm_sizes = kwargs.pop('comm_sizes', np.array([])) size_ratio = float(kwargs.pop('size_ratio', 1.)) world_density = float(kwargs.pop('world_density', 1. / N)) world_density = world_density if 0 <= world_density <= 1 else 1. / N comm_density = kwargs.pop('comm_density', None) k_neigh = kwargs.pop('k_neigh', None) epsilon = float(kwargs.pop('epsilon', np.sqrt(2 * np.sqrt(N)) / 2)) self.logger = build_logger(__name__, **kwargs) w_data = [[], [[], []]] try: if len(comm_sizes) > 0: if np.sum(comm_sizes) != N: raise ValueError('GSP_COMMUNITY: The sum of the community sizes has to be equal to N.') if len(comm_sizes) != Nc: raise ValueError('GSP_COMMUNITY: The length of the community sizes has to be equal to Nc.') except TypeError: raise TypeError("GSP_COMMUNITY: comm_sizes expected to be a list or array, got {}".format(type(comm_sizes))) if min_comm * Nc > N: raise ValueError('GSP_COMMUNITY: The constraint on minimum size for communities is unsolvable.') info = {'node_com': None, 'comm_sizes': None, 'world_rad': None, 'world_density': world_density, 'min_comm': min_comm} # Communities construction # if comm_sizes.shape[0] == 0: mandatory_labels = np.tile(np.arange(Nc), (min_comm,)) # min_comm labels for each of the Nc communities remaining_labels = np.random.choice(Nc, N - min_comm * Nc) # random choice for the remaining labels info['node_com'] = np.sort(np.concatenate((mandatory_labels, remaining_labels))) else: # create labels based on the constraint given for the community sizes. No random assignation here. info['node_com'] = np.concatenate([[val] * cnt for (val, cnt) in enumerate(comm_sizes)]) counts = Counter(info['node_com']) info['comm_sizes'] = np.array([cnt[1] for cnt in sorted(counts.items())]) info['world_rad'] = size_ratio * np.sqrt(N) # Intra-community edges construction # if comm_density: # random picking edges following the community density (same for all communities) comm_density = float(comm_density) comm_density = comm_density if 0. <= comm_density <= 1. else 0.1 info['comm_density'] = comm_density"GSP_COMMUNITY: Constructed using community density = {}".format(comm_density)) elif k_neigh: # k-NN among the nodes in the same community (same k for all communities) k_neigh = int(k_neigh) k_neigh = k_neigh if k_neigh > 0 else 10 info['k_neigh'] = k_neigh"GSP_COMMUNITY: Constructed using K-NN with k = {}".format(k_neigh)) else: # epsilon-NN among the nodes in the same community (same eps for all communities) info['epsilon'] = epsilon"GSP_COMMUNITY: Constructed using eps-NN with eps = {}".format(epsilon)) # Coordinates # info['com_coords'] = info['world_rad'] * np.array(list(zip( np.cos(2 * np.pi * np.arange(1, Nc + 1) / Nc), np.sin(2 * np.pi * np.arange(1, Nc + 1) / Nc)))) coords = np.random.rand(N, 2) # nodes' coordinates inside the community coords = np.array([[elem[0] * np.cos(2 * np.pi * elem[1]), elem[0] * np.sin(2 * np.pi * elem[1])] for elem in coords]) for i in range(N): # set coordinates as an offset from the center of the community it belongs to comm_idx = info['node_com'][i] comm_rad = np.sqrt(info['comm_sizes'][comm_idx]) coords[i] = info['com_coords'][comm_idx] + comm_rad * coords[i] first_node = 0 for i in range(Nc): com_siz = info['comm_sizes'][i] M = com_siz * (com_siz - 1) / 2 if comm_density: nb_edges = int(comm_density * M) tril_ind = np.tril_indices(com_siz, -1) indices = np.random.permutation(M)[:nb_edges] w_data[0] += [1] * nb_edges w_data[1][0] += [first_node + tril_ind[1][elem] for elem in indices] w_data[1][1] += [first_node + tril_ind[0][elem] for elem in indices] elif k_neigh: comm_coords = coords[first_node:first_node + com_siz] kdtree = spatial.KDTree(comm_coords) __, indices = kdtree.query(comm_coords, k=k_neigh + 1) pairs_set = set() map(lambda row: map(lambda elm: pairs_set.add((min(row[0], elm), max(row[0], elm))), row[1:]), indices) w_data[0] += [1] * len(pairs_set) w_data[1][0] += [first_node + pair[0] for pair in pairs_set] w_data[1][1] += [first_node + pair[1] for pair in pairs_set] else: comm_coords = coords[first_node:first_node + com_siz] kdtree = spatial.KDTree(comm_coords) pairs_set = kdtree.query_pairs(epsilon) w_data[0] += [1] * len(pairs_set) w_data[1][0] += [first_node + elem[0] for elem in pairs_set] w_data[1][1] += [first_node + elem[1] for elem in pairs_set] first_node += com_siz # Inter-community edges construction # M = (N**2 - np.sum([com_siz**2 for com_siz in info['comm_sizes']])) / 2 nb_edges = int(world_density * M) if world_density < 0.35: # use regression sampling inter_edges = set() while len(inter_edges) < nb_edges: new_point = np.random.randint(0, N, 2) if info['node_com'][min(new_point)] != info['node_com'][max(new_point)]: inter_edges.add((min(new_point), max(new_point))) else: # use random permutation indices = np.random.permutation(M)[:nb_edges] all_points, first_col = [], 0 for i in range(Nc - 1): nb_col = info['comm_sizes'][i] first_row = np.sum(info['comm_sizes'][:i+1]) for j in range(i+1, Nc): nb_row = info['comm_sizes'][j] all_points += [(first_row + r, first_col + c) for r in range(nb_row) for c in range(nb_col)] first_row += nb_row first_col += nb_col inter_edges = np.array(all_points)[indices] w_data[0] += [1] * nb_edges w_data[1][0] += [elem[0] for elem in inter_edges] w_data[1][1] += [elem[1] for elem in inter_edges] w_data[0] += w_data[0] tmp_w_data = deepcopy(w_data[1][0]) w_data[1][0] += w_data[1][1] w_data[1][1] += tmp_w_data w_data[1] = tuple(w_data[1]) W = sparse.coo_matrix(tuple(w_data), shape=(N, N)) for key, value in {'Nc': Nc, 'info': info}.items(): setattr(self, key, value) super(Community, self).__init__(W=W, gtype='Community', coords=coords, **kwargs)