Source code for pygsp.filters.filter

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from pygsp import utils
from pygsp.operators import fast_filtering, operator

import numpy as np
from math import log
from copy import deepcopy

[docs]class Filter(object): r"""Parent class for all Filters or Filterbanks, contains the shared methods for those classes.""" def __init__(self, G, filters=None, **kwargs): self.logger = utils.build_logger(__name__, **kwargs) if not hasattr(G, 'lmax'):'{} : has to compute lmax'.format( self.__class__.__name__)) G.estimate_lmax() self.G = G if filters: if isinstance(filters, list): self.g = filters else: self.g = [filters] else: self.g = []
[docs] def analysis(self, s, method=None, cheb_order=30, lanczos_order=30, **kwargs): r""" Operator to analyse a filterbank Parameters ---------- s : ndarray graph signals to analyse method : string wether using an exact method, cheby approx or lanczos cheb_order : int Order for chebyshev Returns ------- c : ndarray Transform coefficients Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> from pygsp import graphs, filters >>> G = graphs.Logo() >>> MH = filters.MexicanHat(G) >>> x = np.arange(G.N**2).reshape(G.N, G.N) >>> co = MH.analysis(x) :cite:`hammond2011wavelets` """ if not method: method = 'exact' if hasattr(self.G, 'U') else 'cheby''The analysis method is {}'.format(method)) Nf = len(self.g) N = self.G.N if method == 'exact': if not hasattr(self.G, 'e') or not hasattr(self.G, 'U'):'The Fourier matrix is not available. ' 'The function will compute it for you.') self.G.compute_fourier_basis() try: Nv = np.shape(s)[1] c = np.zeros((N * Nf, Nv)) is2d = True except IndexError: c = np.zeros((N * Nf)) is2d = False fie = self.evaluate(self.G.e) if Nf == 1: if is2d: return operator.igft(self.G, np.tile(fie, (Nv, 1)).T * operator.gft(self.G, s)) else: return operator.igft(self.G, fie * operator.gft(self.G, s)) else: tmpN = np.arange(N, dtype=int) for i in range(Nf): if is2d: c[tmpN + N*i] = operator.igft(self.G, np.tile(fie[:][i], (Nv, 1)).T * operator.gft(self.G, s)) else: c[tmpN + N*i] = operator.igft(self.G, fie[:][i] * operator.gft(self.G, s)) elif method == 'cheby': # Chebyshev approx if not hasattr(self.G, 'lmax'):'FILTER_ANALYSIS: The variable lmax is not ' 'available. The function will compute ' 'it for you.') self.G.estimate_lmax() cheb_coef = fast_filtering.compute_cheby_coeff(self, m=cheb_order) c = fast_filtering.cheby_op(self.G, cheb_coef, s) elif method == 'lanczos': c = fast_filtering.lanczos_op(self, s, self.G, order=lanczos_order) else: raise ValueError('Unknown method: please select exact, ' 'cheby or lanczos') return c
@utils.filterbank_handler def evaluate(self, x, i=0): r""" Evaluation of the Filterbank Parameters ---------- x = ndarray Data i = int Indice of the filter to evaluate Returns ------- fd = ndarray Response of the filter Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> from pygsp import graphs, filters >>> G = graphs.Logo() >>> MH = filters.MexicanHat(G) >>> x = np.arange(2) >>> eva = MH.evaluate(x) """ fd = np.zeros(x.size) fd = self.g[i](x) return fd
[docs] def inverse(self, c, **kwargs): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def synthesis(self, c, order=30, method=None, **kwargs): r""" Synthesis operator of a filterbank Parameters ---------- G : Graph structure. c : Transform coefficients method : Select the method ot be used for the computation. - 'exact' : Exact method using the graph Fourier matrix - 'cheby' : Chebyshev polynomial approximation - 'lanczos' : Lanczos approximation Default : if the Fourier matrix is present: 'exact' otherwise 'cheby' order : Degree of the Chebyshev approximation Default is 30 Returns ------- signal : sythesis signal Examples -------- Reference ---------- See :cite:`hammond2011wavelets` for more details. """ Nf = len(self.g) N = self.G.N if not method: if hasattr(self.G, 'U'): method = 'exact' else: method = 'cheby' if method == 'exact': if not hasattr(self.G, 'e') or not hasattr(self.G, 'U'):"The Fourier matrix is not available. " "The function will compute it for you.") self.G.compute_fourier_basis() fie = self.evaluate(self.G.e) Nv = np.shape(c)[1] s = np.zeros((N, Nv)) tmpN = np.arange(N, dtype=int) if Nf == 1: s += operator.igft(np.conjugate(self.G.U), np.tile(fie, (Nv, 1)).T * operator.gft(self.G, c[N*i + tmpN])) else: for i in range(Nf): s += operator.igft(np.conjugate(self.G.U), np.tile(fie[:][i], (Nv, 1)).T * operator.gft(self.G, c[N*i + tmpN])) elif method == 'cheby': if hasattr(self.G, 'lmax'):'The variable lmax is not available. ' 'The function will compute it for you.') self.G.estimate_lmax() cheb_coeffs = operator.compute_cheby_coeff(self, m=order, N=order + 1) s = np.zeros((N, np.shape(c)[1])) tmpN = np.arange(N, dtype=int) for i in range(Nf): s = s + operator.cheby_op(self.G, cheb_coeffs[i], c[i*N + tmpN]) elif method == 'lanczos': s = np.zeros((N, np.shape(c)[1])) tmpN = np.arange(N, dtype=int) for i in range(Nf): s += fast_filtering.lanczos_op(self.G, self.g[i], c[i*N + tmpN], order=order) else: raise ValueError('Unknown method: please select exact,' ' cheby or lanczos') return s
[docs] def approx(m, N, **kwargs): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def tighten(): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def filterbank_bounds(self, N=999, bounds=None): r""" Compute approximate frame bounds for a filterbank. Parameters ---------- bounds : interval to compute the bound. Given in an ndarray: np.array([xmin, xnmax]). By default, bounds is None and filtering is bounded by the eigenvalues of G. N : Number of point for the line search Default is 999 Returns ------- lower : Filterbank lower bound upper : Filterbank upper bound """ if bounds: xmin, xmax = bounds rng = np.linspace(xmin, xmax, N) else: if not hasattr(self.G, 'lmax'):'FILTERBANK_BOUNDS: Has to estimate lmax.') self.G.estimate_lmax() if not hasattr(self.G, 'e'):'FILTERBANK_BOUNDS: Has to compute Fourier basis.') self.G.compute_fourier_basis() rng = self.G.e sum_filters = np.sum(np.abs(np.power(self.evaluate(rng), 2)), axis=0) return np.min(sum_filters), np.max(sum_filters)
[docs] def filterbank_matrix(self): r""" Create the matrix of the filterbank frame. This function creates the matrix associated to the filterbank g. The size of the matrix is MN x N, where M is the number of filters. Returns ------- F : Frame """ N = self.G.N if N > 2000: self.logger.warning('Create a big matrix, you can use other methods.') Nf = len(self.g) Ft = self.analysis(np.identity(N)) F = np.zeros(np.shape(Ft.T)) tmpN = np.arange(N, dtype=int) for i in range(Nf): F[:, N*i + tmpN] = Ft[N*i + tmpN] return F
[docs] def wlog_scales(self, lmin, lmax, Nscales, t1=1, t2=2): r""" Compute logarithm scales for wavelets Parameters ---------- lmin : int Minimum non-zero eigenvalue lmax : int Maximum eigenvalue Nscales : int Number of scales Returns ------- s : ndarray Scale """ smin = t1/lmax smax = t2/lmin s = np.exp(np.linspace(log(smax), log(smin), Nscales)) return s
[docs] def can_dual(self): r""" Creates a dual graph form a given graph """ def can_dual_func(g, n, x): # Nshape = np.shape(x) x = np.ravel(x) N = np.shape(x)[0] M = len(g.g) gcoeff = g.evaluate(x).T s = np.zeros((N, M)) for i in range(N): s[i] = np.linalg.pinv(np.expand_dims(gcoeff[i], axis=1)) ret = s[:, n] return ret gdual = deepcopy(self) Nf = len(self.g) for i in range(Nf): gdual.g[i] = lambda x, ind=i: can_dual_func(self, ind, deepcopy(x)) return gdual
[docs] def plot(self, **kwargs): r""" Plot the filter. See plotting doc. """ from pygsp import plotting plotting.plot_filter(self, **kwargs)