
The pygsp.graphs module implements the graph class hierarchy. A graph object is either constructed from an adjacency matrix, or by instantiating one of the built-in graph models.


The Graph base class allows to construct a graph object from any adjacency matrix and provides a common interface to that object. Derived classes then allows to instantiate various standard graph models.

Matrix operators

Graph.U Fourier basis (eigenvectors of the Laplacian).
Graph.D Differential operator (for gradient and divergence).


Graph.check_weights() Check the characteristics of the weights matrix.
Graph.is_connected([recompute]) Check the strong connectivity of the graph (cached).
Graph.is_directed([recompute]) Check if the graph has directed edges (cached).

Attributes computation

Graph.compute_laplacian([lap_type]) Compute a graph Laplacian.
Graph.estimate_lmax([recompute]) Estimate the Laplacian’s largest eigenvalue (cached).
Graph.compute_fourier_basis([recompute]) Compute the Fourier basis of the graph (cached).
Graph.compute_differential_operator() Compute the graph differential operator (cached).

Differential operators

Graph.grad(s) Compute the gradient of a graph signal.
Graph.div(s) Compute the divergence of a graph signal.


Graph.modulate(f, k) Modulate the signal f to the frequency k.
Graph.translate(f, i) Translate the signal f to the node i.

Transforms (frequency and vertex-frequency)

Graph.gft(s) Compute the graph Fourier transform.
Graph.igft(s_hat) Compute the inverse graph Fourier transform.
Graph.gft_windowed(g, f[, lowmemory]) Windowed graph Fourier transform.
Graph.gft_windowed_gabor(s, k) Gabor windowed graph Fourier transform.
Graph.gft_windowed_normalized(g, f[, lowmemory]) Normalized windowed graph Fourier transform.


Graph.plot(**kwargs) Plot the graph.
Graph.plot_signal(signal, **kwargs) Plot a signal on that graph.
Graph.plot_spectrogram(**kwargs) Plot the graph’s spectrogram.


Graph.get_edge_list() Return an edge list, an alternative representation of the graph.
Graph.set_coordinates([kind]) Set node’s coordinates (their position when plotting).
Graph.subgraph(ind) Create a subgraph given indices.
Graph.extract_components() Split the graph into connected components.

Graph models

Airfoil(**kwargs) Airfoil graph.
BarabasiAlbert([N, m0, m, seed]) Barabasi-Albert preferential attachment.
Comet([N, k]) Comet graph.
Community([N, Nc, min_comm, min_deg, …]) Community graph.
DavidSensorNet([N, seed]) Sensor network.
ErdosRenyi([N, p, directed, self_loops, …]) Erdos Renyi graph.
FullConnected([N]) Fully connected graph.
Grid2d([N1, N2]) 2-dimensional grid graph.
Logo(**kwargs) GSP logo.
LowStretchTree([k]) Low stretch tree.
Minnesota([connect]) Minnesota road network (from MatlabBGL).
Path([N]) Path graph.
RandomRegular([N, k, maxIter, seed]) Random k-regular graph.
RandomRing([N, seed]) Ring graph with randomly sampled nodes.
Ring([N, k]) K-regular ring graph.
Sensor([N, Nc, regular, n_try, distribute, …]) Random sensor graph.
StochasticBlockModel([N, k, z, M, p, q, …]) Stochastic Block Model (SBM).
SwissRoll([N, a, b, dim, thresh, s, noise, …]) Sampled Swiss roll manifold.
Torus([Nv, Mv]) Sampled torus manifold.

Nearest-neighbors graphs constructed from point clouds

NNGraph(Xin[, NNtype, use_flann, center, …]) Nearest-neighbor graph from given point cloud.
Bunny(**kwargs) Stanford bunny (NN-graph).
Cube([radius, nb_pts, nb_dim, sampling, seed]) Hyper-cube (NN-graph).
ImgPatches(img[, patch_shape, n_nbrs, …]) NN-graph between patches of an image.
Grid2dImgPatches(img[, patch_shape, n_nbrs, …]) Union of a patch graph with a 2D grid graph.
Sphere([radius, nb_pts, nb_dim, sampling, seed]) Spherical-shaped graph (NN-graph).
TwoMoons([moontype, dim, sigmag, N, sigmad, …]) Two Moons (NN-graph).
class pygsp.graphs.Graph(W, gtype='unknown', lap_type='combinatorial', coords=None, plotting={}, **kwargs)[source]

Base graph class.

  • Provide a common interface (and implementation) to graph objects.
  • Can be instantiated to construct custom graphs from a weight matrix.
  • Initialize attributes for derived classes.

W : sparse matrix or ndarray

The weight matrix which encodes the graph.

gtype : string

Graph type, a free-form string to help us recognize the kind of graph we are dealing with (default is ‘unknown’).

lap_type : ‘combinatorial’, ‘normalized’

The type of Laplacian to be computed by compute_laplacian() (default is ‘combinatorial’).

coords : ndarray

Vertices coordinates (default is None).

plotting : dict

Plotting parameters.

perform_checks : bool

Whether to check if the graph is connected. Warn if not.


>>> W = np.arange(4).reshape(2, 2)
>>> G = graphs.Graph(W)


N (int) the number of nodes / vertices in the graph.
Ne (int) the number of edges / links in the graph, i.e. connections between nodes.
W (sparse matrix or ndarray) the weight matrix which contains the weights of the connections. It is represented as an N-by-N matrix of floats. \(W_{i,j} = 0\) means that there is no direct connection from i to j.
A (sparse matrix or ndarray) the adjacency matrix defines which edges exist on the graph. It is represented as an N-by-N matrix of booleans. \(A_{i,j}\) is True if \(W_{i,j} > 0\).
d (ndarray) the degree vector is a vector of length N which represents the number of edges connected to each node.
gtype (string) the graph type is a short description of the graph object designed to help sorting the graphs.
L (sparse matrix or ndarray) the graph Laplacian, an N-by-N matrix computed from W.
lap_type (‘normalized’, ‘combinatorial’) the kind of Laplacian that was computed by compute_laplacian().
coords (ndarray) vertices coordinates in 2D or 3D space. Used for plotting only. Default is None.
plotting (dict) plotting parameters.

Check the characteristics of the weights matrix.


A dict of bools containing informations about the matrix

has_inf_val : bool

True if the matrix has infinite values else false

has_nan_value : bool

True if the matrix has a “not a number” value else false

is_not_square : bool

True if the matrix is not square else false

diag_is_not_zero : bool

True if the matrix diagonal has not only zeros else false


>>> W = np.arange(4).reshape(2, 2)
>>> G = graphs.Graph(W)
>>> cw = G.check_weights()
>>> cw == {'has_inf_val': False, 'has_nan_value': False,
...        'is_not_square': False, 'diag_is_not_zero': True}

Compute the graph differential operator (cached).

The differential operator is a matrix such that

\[L = D^T D,\]

where \(D\) is the differential operator and \(L\) is the graph Laplacian. It is used to compute the gradient and the divergence of a graph signal, see grad() and div().

The result is cached and accessible by the D property.

See also

compute the gradient
compute the divergence


>>> G = graphs.Logo()
>>> G.N, G.Ne
(1130, 3131)
>>> G.compute_differential_operator()
>>> G.D.shape == (G.Ne, G.N)

Compute the Fourier basis of the graph (cached).

The result is cached and accessible by the U, e, lmax, and mu properties.


recompute: bool

Force to recompute the Fourier basis if already existing.


‘G.compute_fourier_basis()’ computes a full eigendecomposition of the graph Laplacian \(L\) such that:

\[L = U \Lambda U^*,\]

where \(\Lambda\) is a diagonal matrix of eigenvalues and the columns of \(U\) are the eigenvectors.

G.e is a vector of length G.N containing the Laplacian eigenvalues. The largest eigenvalue is stored in G.lmax. The eigenvectors are stored as column vectors of G.U in the same order that the eigenvalues. Finally, the coherence of the Fourier basis is found in


See [Chu97].


>>> G = graphs.Torus()
>>> G.compute_fourier_basis()
>>> G.U.shape
(256, 256)
>>> G.e.shape
>>> G.lmax == G.e[-1]
>>> < 1

Compute a graph Laplacian.

The result is accessible by the L attribute.


lap_type : ‘combinatorial’, ‘normalized’

The type of Laplacian to compute. Default is combinatorial.


For undirected graphs, the combinatorial Laplacian is defined as

\[L = D - W,\]

where \(W\) is the weight matrix and \(D\) the degree matrix, and the normalized Laplacian is defined as

\[L = I - D^{-1/2} W D^{-1/2},\]

where \(I\) is the identity matrix.


>>> G = graphs.Sensor(50)
>>> G.L.shape
(50, 50)
>>> G.compute_laplacian('combinatorial')
>>> G.compute_fourier_basis()
>>> -1e-10 < G.e[0] < 1e-10  # Smallest eigenvalue close to 0.
>>> G.compute_laplacian('normalized')
>>> G.compute_fourier_basis(recompute=True)
>>> -1e-10 < G.e[0] < 1e-10 < G.e[-1] < 2  # Spectrum in [0, 2].
copy_graph_attributes(Gn, ctype=True)[source]

Copy some parameters of the graph into a given one.


G : Graph structure

ctype : bool

Flag to select what to copy (Default is True)

Gn : Graph structure

The graph where the parameters will be copied


Gn : Partial graph structure


>>> Torus = graphs.Torus()
>>> G = graphs.TwoMoons()
>>> G.copy_graph_attributes(ctype=False, Gn=Torus);

Compute the divergence of a graph signal.

The divergence of a signal \(s\) is defined as

\[y = D^T s,\]

where \(D\) is the differential operator D.


s : ndarray

Signal of length G.Ne/2 living on the edges (non-directed graph).


s_div : ndarray

Divergence signal of length G.N living on the nodes.

See also


compute the gradient


>>> G = graphs.Logo()
>>> G.N, G.Ne
(1130, 3131)
>>> s = np.random.normal(size=G.Ne)
>>> s_div = G.div(s)
>>> s_grad = G.grad(s_div)

Estimate the Laplacian’s largest eigenvalue (cached).

The result is cached and accessible by the lmax property.

Exact value given by the eigendecomposition of the Laplacian, see compute_fourier_basis(). That estimation is much faster than the eigendecomposition.


recompute : boolean

Force to recompute the largest eigenvalue. Default is false.


Runs the implicitly restarted Lanczos method with a large tolerance, then increases the calculated largest eigenvalue by 1 percent. For much of the PyGSP machinery, we need to approximate wavelet kernels on an interval that contains the spectrum of L. The only cost of using a larger interval is that the polynomial approximation over the larger interval may be a slightly worse approximation on the actual spectrum. As this is a very mild effect, it is not necessary to obtain very tight bounds on the spectrum of L.


>>> G = graphs.Logo()
>>> G.compute_fourier_basis()
>>> print('{:.2f}'.format(G.lmax))
>>> G = graphs.Logo()
>>> G.estimate_lmax(recompute=True)
>>> print('{:.2f}'.format(G.lmax))

Split the graph into connected components.

See is_connected() for the method used to determine connectedness.


graphs : list

A list of graph structures. Each having its own node list and weight matrix. If the graph is directed, add into the info parameter the information about the source nodes and the sink nodes.


>>> from scipy import sparse
>>> W = sparse.rand(10, 10, 0.2)
>>> W = utils.symmetrize(W)
>>> G = graphs.Graph(W=W)
>>> components = G.extract_components()
>>> has_sinks = 'sink' in components[0].info
>>> sinks_0 = components[0].info['sink'] if has_sinks else []

Return an edge list, an alternative representation of the graph.

The weighted adjacency matrix is the canonical form used in this package to represent a graph as it is the easiest to work with when considering spectral methods.


v_in : vector of int

v_out : vector of int

weights : vector of float


>>> G = graphs.Logo()
>>> v_in, v_out, weights = G.get_edge_list()
>>> v_in.shape, v_out.shape, weights.shape
((3131,), (3131,), (3131,))

Compute the graph Fourier transform.

The graph Fourier transform of a signal \(s\) is defined as

\[\hat{s} = U^* s,\]

where \(U\) is the Fourier basis attr:U and \(U^*\) denotes the conjugate transpose or Hermitian transpose of \(U\).


s : ndarray

Graph signal in the vertex domain.


s_hat : ndarray

Representation of s in the Fourier domain.


>>> G = graphs.Logo()
>>> G.compute_fourier_basis()
>>> s = np.random.normal(size=(G.N, 5, 1))
>>> s_hat = G.gft(s)
>>> s_star = G.igft(s_hat)
>>> np.all((s - s_star) < 1e-10)
gft_windowed(g, f, lowmemory=True)

Windowed graph Fourier transform.


g : ndarray or Filter

Window (graph signal or kernel).

f : ndarray

Graph signal in the vertex domain.

lowmemory : bool

Use less memory (default=True).


C : ndarray


gft_windowed_gabor(s, k)

Gabor windowed graph Fourier transform.


s : ndarray

Graph signal in the vertex domain.

k : function

Gabor kernel. See pygsp.filters.Gabor.


s : ndarray

Vertex-frequency representation of the signals.


>>> G = graphs.Logo()
>>> s = np.random.normal(size=(G.N, 2))
>>> s = G.gft_windowed_gabor(s, lambda x: x/(1.-x))
>>> s.shape
(1130, 2, 1130)
gft_windowed_normalized(g, f, lowmemory=True)

Normalized windowed graph Fourier transform.


g : ndarray


f : ndarray

Graph signal in the vertex domain.

lowmemory : bool

Use less memory. (default = True)


C : ndarray



Compute the gradient of a graph signal.

The gradient of a signal \(s\) is defined as

\[y = D s,\]

where \(D\) is the differential operator D.


s : ndarray

Signal of length G.N living on the nodes.


s_grad : ndarray

Gradient signal of length G.Ne/2 living on the edges (non-directed graph).

See also


compute the divergence


>>> G = graphs.Logo()
>>> G.N, G.Ne
(1130, 3131)
>>> s = np.random.normal(size=G.N)
>>> s_grad = G.grad(s)
>>> s_div = G.div(s_grad)
>>> np.linalg.norm(s_div - < 1e-10

Compute the inverse graph Fourier transform.

The inverse graph Fourier transform of a Fourier domain signal \(\hat{s}\) is defined as

\[s = U \hat{s},\]

where \(U\) is the Fourier basis U.


s_hat : ndarray

Graph signal in the Fourier domain.


s : ndarray

Representation of s_hat in the vertex domain.


>>> G = graphs.Logo()
>>> G.compute_fourier_basis()
>>> s_hat = np.random.normal(size=(G.N, 5, 1))
>>> s = G.igft(s_hat)
>>> s_hat_star = G.gft(s)
>>> np.all((s_hat - s_hat_star) < 1e-10)

Check the strong connectivity of the graph (cached).

It uses DFS travelling on graph to ensure that each node is visited. For undirected graphs, starting at any vertex and trying to access all others is enough. For directed graphs, one needs to check that a random vertex is accessible by all others and can access all others. Thus, we can transpose the adjacency matrix and compute again with the same starting point in both phases.


recompute: bool

Force to recompute the connectivity if already known.


connected : bool

True if the graph is connected.


>>> from scipy import sparse
>>> W = sparse.rand(10, 10, 0.2)
>>> G = graphs.Graph(W=W)
>>> connected = G.is_connected()

Check if the graph has directed edges (cached).

In this framework, we consider that a graph is directed if and only if its weight matrix is non symmetric.


recompute : bool

Force to recompute the directedness if already known.


directed : bool

True if the graph is directed.


Can also be used to check if a matrix is symmetrical


>>> from scipy import sparse
>>> W = sparse.rand(10, 10, 0.2)
>>> G = graphs.Graph(W=W)
>>> directed = G.is_directed()
modulate(f, k)[source]

Modulate the signal f to the frequency k.


f : ndarray

Signal (column)

k : int

Index of frequencies


fm : ndarray

Modulated signal


Plot the graph.

See pygsp.plotting.plot_graph().

plot_signal(signal, **kwargs)[source]

Plot a signal on that graph.

See pygsp.plotting.plot_signal().


Plot the graph’s spectrogram.

See pygsp.plotting.plot_spectrogram().

set_coordinates(kind='spring', **kwargs)[source]

Set node’s coordinates (their position when plotting).


kind : string or array-like

Kind of coordinates to generate. It controls the position of the nodes when plotting the graph. Can either pass an array of size Nx2 or Nx3 to set the coordinates manually or the name of a layout algorithm. Available algorithms: community2D, random2D, random3D, ring2D, line1D, spring. Default is ‘spring’.

kwargs : dict

Additional parameters to be passed to the Fruchterman-Reingold force-directed algorithm when kind is spring.


>>> G = graphs.ErdosRenyi()
>>> G.set_coordinates()
>>> G.plot()

Create a subgraph given indices.


ind : list

Nodes to keep


sub_G : Graph



>>> W = np.arange(16).reshape(4, 4)
>>> G = graphs.Graph(W)
>>> ind = [1, 3]
>>> sub_G = G.subgraph(ind)
translate(f, i)

Translate the signal f to the node i.


f : ndarray


i : int

Indices of vertex


ft : translate signal

update_graph_attr(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Recompute some attribute of the graph.


args: list of string

the arguments that will be not changed and not re-compute.

kwargs: Dictionnary

The arguments with their new value.


The same Graph with some updated values.


This method is useful if you want to give a new weight matrix (W) and compute the adjacency matrix (A) and more again. The valid attributes are [‘W’, ‘A’, ‘N’, ‘d’, ‘Ne’, ‘gtype’, ‘directed’, ‘coords’, ‘lap_type’, ‘L’, ‘plotting’]


>>> G = graphs.Ring(N=10)
>>> newW = G.W
>>> newW[1] = 1
>>> G.update_graph_attr('N', 'd', W=newW)

Updates all attributes of G except ‘N’ and ‘d’


Differential operator (for gradient and divergence).

Is computed by compute_differential_operator().


Fourier basis (eigenvectors of the Laplacian).

Is computed by compute_fourier_basis().


Eigenvalues of the Laplacian (square of graph frequencies).

Is computed by compute_fourier_basis().


Largest eigenvalue of the graph Laplacian.

Can be exactly computed by compute_fourier_basis() or approximated by estimate_lmax().


Coherence of the Fourier basis.

Is computed by compute_fourier_basis().

class pygsp.graphs.Airfoil(**kwargs)[source]

Airfoil graph.


>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> G = graphs.Airfoil()
>>> fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 2)
>>> _ = axes[0].spy(G.W, markersize=0.5)
>>> G.plot(show_edges=True, ax=axes[1])
class pygsp.graphs.BarabasiAlbert(N=1000, m0=1, m=1, seed=None, **kwargs)[source]

Barabasi-Albert preferential attachment.

The Barabasi-Albert graph is constructed by connecting nodes in two steps. First, m0 nodes are created. Then, nodes are added one by one.

By lack of clarity, we take the liberty to create it as follows:

  1. the m0 initial nodes are disconnected,
  2. each node is connected to m of the older nodes with a probability distribution depending of the node-degrees of the other nodes, \(p_n(i) = \frac{1 + k_i}{\sum_j{1 + k_j}}\).

N : int

Number of nodes (default is 1000)

m0 : int

Number of initial nodes (default is 1)

m : int

Number of connections at each step (default is 1) m can never be larger than m0.

seed : int

Seed for the random number generator (for reproducible graphs).


>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> G = graphs.BarabasiAlbert(N=150, seed=42)
>>> G.set_coordinates(kind='spring', seed=42)
>>> fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 2)
>>> _ = axes[0].spy(G.W, markersize=2)
>>> G.plot(ax=axes[1])
class pygsp.graphs.Comet(N=32, k=12, **kwargs)[source]

Comet graph.

The comet graph is a path graph with a star of degree k at its end.


N : int

Number of nodes.

k : int

Degree of center vertex.


>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> G = graphs.Comet(15, 10)
>>> fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 2)
>>> _ = axes[0].spy(G.W)
>>> G.plot(ax=axes[1])
class pygsp.graphs.Community(N=256, Nc=None, min_comm=None, min_deg=0, comm_sizes=None, size_ratio=1, world_density=None, comm_density=None, k_neigh=None, epsilon=None, seed=None, **kwargs)[source]

Community graph.


N : int

Number of nodes (default = 256).

Nc : int (optional)

Number of communities (default = \(\lfloor \sqrt{N}/2 \rceil\)).

min_comm : int (optional)

Minimum size of the communities (default = \(\lfloor N/Nc/3 \rceil\)).

min_deg : int (optional)

NOT IMPLEMENTED. Minimum degree of each node (default = 0).

comm_sizes : int (optional)

Size of the communities (default = random).

size_ratio : float (optional)

Ratio between the radius of world and the radius of communities (default = 1).

world_density : float (optional)

Probability of a random edge between two different communities (default = 1/N).

comm_density : float (optional)

Probability of a random edge inside any community (default = None, which implies k_neigh or epsilon will be used to determine intra-edges).

k_neigh : int (optional)

Number of intra-community connections. Not used if comm_density is defined (default = None, which implies comm_density or epsilon will be used to determine intra-edges).

epsilon : float (optional)

Largest distance at which two nodes sharing a community are connected. Not used if k_neigh or comm_density is defined (default = \(\sqrt{2\sqrt{N}}/2\)).

seed : int

Seed for the random number generator (for reproducible graphs).


>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> G = graphs.Community(N=250, Nc=3, comm_sizes=[50, 120, 80], seed=42)
>>> fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 2)
>>> _ = axes[0].spy(G.W, markersize=0.5)
>>> G.plot(ax=axes[1])
class pygsp.graphs.DavidSensorNet(N=64, seed=None, **kwargs)[source]

Sensor network.


N : int

Number of vertices (default = 64). Values of 64 and 500 yield pre-computed and saved graphs. Other values yield randomly generated graphs.

seed : int

Seed for the random number generator (for reproducible graphs).


>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> G = graphs.DavidSensorNet()
>>> fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 2)
>>> _ = axes[0].spy(G.W, markersize=2)
>>> G.plot(ax=axes[1])
class pygsp.graphs.ErdosRenyi(N=100, p=0.1, directed=False, self_loops=False, connected=False, max_iter=10, seed=None, **kwargs)[source]

Erdos Renyi graph.

The Erdos Renyi graph is constructed by randomly connecting nodes. Each edge is included in the graph with probability p, independently from any other edge. All edge weights are equal to 1.


N : int

Number of nodes (default is 100).

p : float

Probability to connect a node with another one.

directed : bool

Allow directed edges if True (default is False).

self_loops : bool

Allow self loops if True (default is False).

connected : bool

Force the graph to be connected (default is False).

max_iter : int

Maximum number of trials to get a connected graph (default is 10).

seed : int

Seed for the random number generator (for reproducible graphs).


>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> G = graphs.ErdosRenyi(N=64, seed=42)
>>> G.set_coordinates(kind='spring', seed=42)
>>> fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 2)
>>> _ = axes[0].spy(G.W, markersize=2)
>>> G.plot(ax=axes[1])
class pygsp.graphs.FullConnected(N=10, **kwargs)[source]

Fully connected graph.

All weights are set to 1. There is no self-connections.


N : int

Number of vertices (default = 10)


>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> G = graphs.FullConnected(N=20)
>>> G.set_coordinates(kind='spring', seed=42)
>>> fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 2)
>>> _ = axes[0].spy(G.W, markersize=5)
>>> G.plot(ax=axes[1])
class pygsp.graphs.Grid2d(N1=16, N2=None, **kwargs)[source]

2-dimensional grid graph.


N1 : int

Number of vertices along the first dimension.

N2 : int

Number of vertices along the second dimension (default N1).


>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> G = graphs.Grid2d(N1=5, N2=4)
>>> fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 2)
>>> _ = axes[0].spy(G.W)
>>> G.plot(ax=axes[1])

GSP logo.


>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> G = graphs.Logo()
>>> fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 2)
>>> _ = axes[0].spy(G.W, markersize=0.5)
>>> G.plot(ax=axes[1])
class pygsp.graphs.LowStretchTree(k=6, **kwargs)[source]

Low stretch tree.

Build the root of a low stretch tree on a grid of points. There are \(2k\) points on each side of the grid, and therefore \(2^{2k}\) vertices in total. The edge weights are all equal to 1.


k : int

\(2^k\) points on each side of the grid of vertices.


>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> G = graphs.LowStretchTree(k=2)
>>> fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 2)
>>> _ = axes[0].spy(G.W)
>>> G.plot(ax=axes[1])
class pygsp.graphs.Minnesota(connect=True, **kwargs)[source]

Minnesota road network (from MatlabBGL).


connect : bool

If True, the adjacency matrix is adjusted so that all edge weights are equal to 1, and the graph is connected. Set to False to get the original disconnected graph.


See [Gle].


>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> G = graphs.Minnesota()
>>> fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 2)
>>> _ = axes[0].spy(G.W, markersize=0.5)
>>> G.plot(ax=axes[1])
class pygsp.graphs.Path(N=16, **kwargs)[source]

Path graph.


N : int

Number of vertices.


See [Str99] for more informations.


>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> G = graphs.Path(N=10)
>>> fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 2)
>>> _ = axes[0].spy(G.W)
>>> G.plot(ax=axes[1])
class pygsp.graphs.RandomRegular(N=64, k=6, maxIter=10, seed=None, **kwargs)[source]

Random k-regular graph.

The random regular graph has the property that every node is connected to k other nodes. That graph is simple (without loops or double edges), k-regular (each vertex is adjacent to k nodes), and undirected.


N : int

Number of nodes (default is 64)

k : int

Number of connections, or degree, of each node (default is 6)

maxIter : int

Maximum number of iterations (default is 10)

seed : int

Seed for the random number generator (for reproducible graphs).


The pairing model algorithm works as follows. First create n*d half edges. Then repeat as long as possible: pick a pair of half edges and if it’s legal (doesn’t create a loop nor a double edge) add it to the graph.


See [KV03]. This code has been adapted from matlab to python.


>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> G = graphs.RandomRegular(N=64, k=5, seed=42)
>>> G.set_coordinates(kind='spring', seed=42)
>>> fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 2)
>>> _ = axes[0].spy(G.W, markersize=2)
>>> G.plot(ax=axes[1])

Troubleshoot a given regular graph.

class pygsp.graphs.RandomRing(N=64, seed=None, **kwargs)[source]

Ring graph with randomly sampled nodes.


N : int

Number of vertices.

seed : int

Seed for the random number generator (for reproducible graphs).


>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> G = graphs.RandomRing(N=10, seed=42)
>>> fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 2)
>>> _ = axes[0].spy(G.W)
>>> G.plot(ax=axes[1])
>>> _ = axes[1].set_xlim(-1.1, 1.1)
>>> _ = axes[1].set_ylim(-1.1, 1.1)
class pygsp.graphs.Ring(N=64, k=1, **kwargs)[source]

K-regular ring graph.


N : int

Number of vertices.

k : int

Number of neighbors in each direction.


>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> G = graphs.Ring(N=10)
>>> fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 2)
>>> _ = axes[0].spy(G.W)
>>> G.plot(ax=axes[1])
class pygsp.graphs.Sensor(N=64, Nc=2, regular=False, n_try=50, distribute=False, connected=True, seed=None, **kwargs)[source]

Random sensor graph.


N : int

Number of nodes (default = 64)

Nc : int

Minimum number of connections (default = 2)

regular : bool

Flag to fix the number of connections to nc (default = False)

n_try : int

Number of attempt to create the graph (default = 50)

distribute : bool

To distribute the points more evenly (default = False)

connected : bool

To force the graph to be connected (default = True)

seed : int

Seed for the random number generator (for reproducible graphs).


>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> G = graphs.Sensor(N=64, seed=42)
>>> fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 2)
>>> _ = axes[0].spy(G.W, markersize=2)
>>> G.plot(ax=axes[1])
class pygsp.graphs.StochasticBlockModel(N=1024, k=5, z=None, M=None, p=0.7, q=None, directed=False, self_loops=False, connected=False, max_iter=10, seed=None, **kwargs)[source]

Stochastic Block Model (SBM).

The Stochastic Block Model graph is constructed by connecting nodes with a probability which depends on the cluster of the two nodes. One can define the clustering association of each node, denoted by vector z, but also the probability matrix M. All edge weights are equal to 1. By default, Mii > Mjk and nodes are uniformly clusterized.


N : int

Number of nodes (default is 1024).

k : float

Number of classes (default is 5).

z : array_like

the vector of length N containing the association between nodes and classes (default is random uniform).

M : array_like

the k by k matrix containing the probability of connecting nodes based on their class belonging (default using p and q).

p : float or array_like

the diagonal value(s) for the matrix M. If scalar they all have the same value. Otherwise expect a length k vector (default is p = 0.7).

q : float or array_like

the off-diagonal value(s) for the matrix M. If scalar they all have the same value. Otherwise expect a k x k matrix, diagonal will be discarded (default is q = 0.3/k).

directed : bool

Allow directed edges if True (default is False).

self_loops : bool

Allow self loops if True (default is False).

connected : bool

Force the graph to be connected (default is False).

max_iter : int

Maximum number of trials to get a connected graph (default is 10).

seed : int

Seed for the random number generator (for reproducible graphs).


>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> G = graphs.StochasticBlockModel(
...     100, k=3, p=[0.4, 0.6, 0.3], q=0.02, seed=42)
>>> G.set_coordinates(kind='spring', seed=42)
>>> fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 2)
>>> _ = axes[0].spy(G.W, markersize=0.8)
>>> G.plot(ax=axes[1])
class pygsp.graphs.SwissRoll(N=400, a=1, b=4, dim=3, thresh=1e-06, s=None, noise=False, srtype='uniform', seed=None, **kwargs)[source]

Sampled Swiss roll manifold.


N : int

Number of vertices (default = 400)

a : int

(default = 1)

b : int

(default = 4)

dim : int

(default = 3)

thresh : float

(default = 1e-6)

s : float

sigma (default = sqrt(2./N))

noise : bool

Wether to add noise or not (default = False)

srtype : str

Swiss roll Type, possible arguments are ‘uniform’ or ‘classic’ (default = ‘uniform’)

seed : int

Seed for the random number generator (for reproducible graphs).


>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> G = graphs.SwissRoll(N=200, seed=42)
>>> fig = plt.figure()
>>> ax1 = fig.add_subplot(121)
>>> ax2 = fig.add_subplot(122, projection='3d')
>>> _ = ax1.spy(G.W, markersize=1)
>>> G.plot(ax=ax2)
class pygsp.graphs.Torus(Nv=16, Mv=None, **kwargs)[source]

Sampled torus manifold.


Nv : int

Number of vertices along the first dimension (default is 16)

Mv : int

Number of vertices along the second dimension (default is Nv)


See [Str99] for more informations.


>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> G = graphs.Torus(10)
>>> fig = plt.figure()
>>> ax1 = fig.add_subplot(121)
>>> ax2 = fig.add_subplot(122, projection='3d')
>>> _ = ax1.spy(G.W, markersize=1.5)
>>> G.plot(ax=ax2)
>>> _ = ax2.set_zlim(-1.5, 1.5)
class pygsp.graphs.NNGraph(Xin, NNtype='knn', use_flann=False, center=True, rescale=True, k=10, sigma=0.1, epsilon=0.01, gtype=None, plotting={}, symmetrize_type='average', dist_type='euclidean', order=0, **kwargs)[source]

Nearest-neighbor graph from given point cloud.


Xin : ndarray

Input points, Should be an N-by-d matrix, where N is the number of nodes in the graph and d is the dimension of the feature space.

NNtype : string, optional

Type of nearest neighbor graph to create. The options are ‘knn’ for k-Nearest Neighbors or ‘radius’ for epsilon-Nearest Neighbors (default is ‘knn’).

use_flann : bool, optional

Use Fast Library for Approximate Nearest Neighbors (FLANN) or not. (default is False)

center : bool, optional

Center the data so that it has zero mean (default is True)

rescale : bool, optional

Rescale the data so that it lies in a l2-sphere (default is True)

k : int, optional

Number of neighbors for knn (default is 10)

sigma : float, optional

Width parameter of the similarity kernel (default is 0.1)

epsilon : float, optional

Radius for the epsilon-neighborhood search (default is 0.01)

gtype : string, optional

The type of graph (default is ‘nearest neighbors’)

plotting : dict, optional

Dictionary of plotting parameters. See pygsp.plotting. (default is {})

symmetrize_type : string, optional

Type of symmetrization to use for the adjacency matrix. See pygsp.utils.symmetrization() for the options. (default is ‘average’)

dist_type : string, optional

Type of distance to compute. See pyflann.index.set_distance_type() for possible options. (default is ‘euclidean’)

order : float, optional

Only used if dist_type is ‘minkowski’; represents the order of the Minkowski distance. (default is 0)


>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> X = np.random.RandomState(42).uniform(size=(30, 2))
>>> G = graphs.NNGraph(X)
>>> fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 2)
>>> _ = axes[0].spy(G.W, markersize=5)
>>> G.plot(ax=axes[1])
class pygsp.graphs.Bunny(**kwargs)[source]

Stanford bunny (NN-graph).


See [TL94].


>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> G = graphs.Bunny()
>>> fig = plt.figure()
>>> ax1 = fig.add_subplot(121)
>>> ax2 = fig.add_subplot(122, projection='3d')
>>> _ = ax1.spy(G.W, markersize=0.1)
>>> G.plot(ax=ax2)
class pygsp.graphs.Cube(radius=1, nb_pts=300, nb_dim=3, sampling='random', seed=None, **kwargs)[source]

Hyper-cube (NN-graph).


radius : float

Edge lenght (default = 1)

nb_pts : int

Number of vertices (default = 300)

nb_dim : int

Dimension (default = 3)

sampling : string

Variance of the distance kernel (default = ‘random’) (Can now only be ‘random’)

seed : int

Seed for the random number generator (for reproducible graphs).


>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> G = graphs.Cube(seed=42)
>>> fig = plt.figure()
>>> ax1 = fig.add_subplot(121)
>>> ax2 = fig.add_subplot(122, projection='3d')
>>> _ = ax1.spy(G.W, markersize=0.5)
>>> G.plot(ax=ax2)
class pygsp.graphs.ImgPatches(img, patch_shape=(3, 3), n_nbrs=8, use_flann=True, dist_type='euclidean', symmetrize_type='fill', **kwargs)[source]

NN-graph between patches of an image.


img : array

Input image.

patch_shape : tuple, optional

Dimensions of the patch window. Syntax: (height, width), or (height,), in which case width = height.

n_nbrs : int, optional

Number of neighbors to consider

dist_type : string, optional

Type of distance between patches to compute. See pyflann.index.set_distance_type() for possible options.


>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> from skimage import data, img_as_float
>>> img = img_as_float([::64, ::64])
>>> G = graphs.ImgPatches(img, use_flann=False)
>>> G.set_coordinates(kind='spring', seed=42)
>>> fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 2)
>>> _ = axes[0].spy(G.W, markersize=2)
>>> G.plot(ax=axes[1])
class pygsp.graphs.Grid2dImgPatches(img, patch_shape=(3, 3), n_nbrs=8, aggregate=<function Grid2dImgPatches.<lambda>>, **kwargs)[source]

Union of a patch graph with a 2D grid graph.


img : array

Input image.

patch_shape : tuple, optional

Dimensions of the patch window. Syntax : (height, width).

n_nbrs : int

Number of neighbors to consider

dist_type : string

Type of distance between patches to compute. See pyflann.index.set_distance_type() for possible options.

aggregate: callable, optional

Function used for aggregating the weights Wp of the patch graph and the weigths Wg 2d grid graph. Default is lambda Wp, Wg: Wp + Wg().


>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> from skimage import data, img_as_float
>>> img = img_as_float([::64, ::64])
>>> G = graphs.Grid2dImgPatches(img, use_flann=False)
>>> fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 2)
>>> _ = axes[0].spy(G.W, markersize=2)
>>> G.plot(ax=axes[1])
class pygsp.graphs.Sphere(radius=1, nb_pts=300, nb_dim=3, sampling='random', seed=None, **kwargs)[source]

Spherical-shaped graph (NN-graph).


radius : flaot

Radius of the sphere (default = 1)

nb_pts : int

Number of vertices (default = 300)

nb_dim : int

Dimension (default = 3)

sampling : sting

Variance of the distance kernel (default = ‘random’) (Can now only be ‘random’)

seed : int

Seed for the random number generator (for reproducible graphs).


>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> G = graphs.Sphere(nb_pts=100, seed=42)
>>> fig = plt.figure()
>>> ax1 = fig.add_subplot(121)
>>> ax2 = fig.add_subplot(122, projection='3d')
>>> _ = ax1.spy(G.W, markersize=1.5)
>>> G.plot(ax=ax2)
class pygsp.graphs.TwoMoons(moontype='standard', dim=2, sigmag=0.05, N=400, sigmad=0.07, d=0.5, seed=None, **kwargs)[source]

Two Moons (NN-graph).


moontype : ‘standard’ or ‘synthesized’

You have the freedom to chose if you want to create a standard two_moons graph or a synthesized one (default is ‘standard’). ‘standard’ : Create a two_moons graph from a based graph. ‘synthesized’ : Create a synthesized two_moon

sigmag : float

Variance of the distance kernel (default = 0.05)

dim : int

The dimensionality of the points (default = 2). Only valid for moontype == ‘standard’.

N : int

Number of vertices (default = 2000) Only valid for moontype == ‘synthesized’.

sigmad : float

Variance of the data (do not set it too high or you won’t see anything) (default = 0.05) Only valid for moontype == ‘synthesized’.

d : float

Distance of the two moons (default = 0.5) Only valid for moontype == ‘synthesized’.

seed : int

Seed for the random number generator (for reproducible graphs).


>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> G = graphs.TwoMoons()
>>> fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 2)
>>> _ = axes[0].spy(G.W, markersize=0.5)
>>> G.plot(show_edges=True, ax=axes[1])